Category Archives: news

November 2015 – Day trip to Paris for all our Canterbury-Paris students

There will be an orientation day-trip to Paris during the autumn term for all our students who will be spending the Spring term in Paris. The provisional date is Tuesday 24th November 2015.

The trip took place last year and was highly successful, enabling students who will be studying in Paris during the Spring term to look around Reid Hall, our Paris centre, meet the staff, familiarise themselves with the beautiful city of Paris, and make arrangements to view accommodation or meet landlords where possible.

A cultural excursion is also planned for the day, such as a visit to an art gallery or a museum.

The costs of the trip are completely covered by your tuition fees.

Further details to follow when you arrive in the autumn term.

BREAKING NEWS – Paris year-long programmes fee waiver for Home/EU students

Heads of Schools  and the Academic Director for Paris programmes have agreed to implement a fee-waiver to all Home/EU applicants for the academic year 2015/16 for the Paris year-long  programmes, which will mean that if you now decide to take the year-long option, the tuition fee will be the same as the split-site version, £7,250 instead of £12,900.  The programmes which are currently available as Paris only for the whole year are:

Creative Writing

English & American Literature

History & Philosophy of Art


Kent at Paris hosts summer school in Critical Theory

The University of Kent at Paris is pleased to announce that it will host the inaugural Kent Summer School in Critical Theory organised by the Kent Law School (KLS). This summer institute will run from from 29 June through 10 July at the University’s Paris Centre in the heart of the historic and bustling Montparnasse district. KLS and the Paris Centre are pleased to welcome Professor Peter Goodrich (Cardozo School of Law, USA) and Professor Davide Tarizzo (Salerno, Italy) to lead seminars over the course of the school. We are also delighted to welcome distinguished guests Professor Davina Cooper, Professor Robert Esposito and Professor Geoffrey Bennington who will present master classes to the 2015 participants.

Julia Peters on the Via Francigena

University of Kent postgraduate student Julia Peters left Canterbury on foot on 28 March 2015 for a journey that has taken her through four countries (England, France, Switzerland, and Italy) and over 1200 miles (1900 km) to Rome, she is due to arrive this Sunday.

Julia says that the purpose of her journey was one of personal enrichment, “an initiative to promote The Via Francigena and the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, to conduct research on mobility in the Roman Empire and to further links between the European Centres of the University of Kent”. A number of University of Kent students, fellow pilgrims, have joined her along the way – Julia will have made stops in 78 towns along the famous pilgrimage route.

Julia’s project received support from KIASH (Kent Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Kent), in conjunction with the research of Professor Ray Laurence, in addition to the University of Kent’s European Centres. If you would like to read more about Julia’s project, and follow her to Rome on Sunday, please visit her blog here.

Kent on the Via Francigena

University of Kent postgraduate student Julia Peters left Canterbury on 28 March 2015 for a journey that will take her through four countries (England, France, Switzerland, and Italy) and over 1200 miles (1900 km) to Rome, her final destination–and she’s doing it all on foot.

Julia says that the purpose of her journey is one of personal enrichment, “an initiative to promote The Via Francigena and the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, to conduct research on mobility in the Roman Empire and to further links between the European Centres of the University of Kent”. A number of University of Kent students, fellow pilgrims, have joined her along the way – Julia is making stops in 78 towns along the famous pilgrimage route.

Julia’s project received support from KIASH (Kent Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Kent), in conjunction with the research of Professor Ray Laurence, in addition to the University of Kent’s European Centres. If you would like to read more about Julia’s project, and be updated on her daily progress, please visit her blog here.

Paris Graduate Union organises end-of-term dinner cruise

The University of Kent’s Paris Graduate Union organised a farewell dinner cruise on the River Seine on Thursday 9 April 2015. A total of 42 students and guests were welcomed on board by student leaders, Kent at Paris Director Dr Ana de Medeiros and Dean for Europe Professor Roger Vickerman. Participants enjoyed full French fare as they took in some of the world’s most iconic views.



Kent International Summer School – School of Arts

Intensive two-week summer courses for international students at Canterbury and Medway
Our International Summer School gives you the opportunity to have a taste of what our academic programmes can provide. All our courses are delivered by our top-ranking academic schools and have been designed to introduce you to the best of what Kent has to offer.

The School of Arts is running the ‘Exploring Visual Cultures [1]’ course. Full details about the Summer school can found here [2].

Monday 23 February 2015 – Postgraduate Funding and Information Event

The University of Kent will hold a funding and information open evening for Postgraduate study on Monday 23 February 2015 in Darwin Conference Suite (Canterbury) from 5-7pm.

This will be a great opportunity to gather the information you need if you are thinking of applying for funding, and also to meet with staff from our programmes of study and ask any other questions you may have.