Safeguarding Updates

We have had a couple of updates to the Partnership Development Office’s (PDO) list of Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO). The list of DSOs is as … Read more

Meet the PDO Staff: Francesca Plom

Ambassadors Simon Oyegoke and Karys Spicer recently interviewed Outrach Activities Co-ordinator, Francesca Plom. She has been with the Partnership Development Office since September 2017, working … Read more

Curriculum Updates

Since the start of lockdown, the Partnership Development Office team have been finding new ways of reaching out to partner schools and colleges. Here is … Read more

Working Online

Outreach and Debating Tutor, Hena Pagoo, shares some advice for working effectively in Outreach online. Over the summer, Hena worked on a number of our … Read more

Meet the Ambassador: Hena Pagoo

Hena Pagoo has been an Ambassador since spring 2019, and is a Debating Tutor and Outreach Tutor. Ambassadors Simon Oyegoke and Karys Spicer interviewed her … Read more

Ambassador Hoodies

Did you know we have a scheme for Ambassadors to get a free hoodie? Read on to find out more As an incentive to encourage … Read more

Virtual Debating Club

Our Virtual Debating Club begins soon for students in Years 9-10 and Years 12-13. We will be running a six week introduction to debating course for … Read more