Schools Bulletin 17/10/2019

We have just released the latest edition of our Schools Bulletin. This week features information on a number of summer events due to take place … Read more

The English Hub for Refugees

The English Hub for Refugees helps unaccompanied refugee minors to gain the English language skills they need in order to integrate into their new communities … Read more

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters are University of Kent students who visit secondary schools to answer candidly the questions young people may have about their experiences, both in … Read more

Claiming Space Kent

This cross-curricular project which brings together the sciences and the arts, will give participants the opportunity to take part in a series of workshops introducing … Read more

Preparing for Results Day

We very much hope that teachers and students are feeling relaxed and relieved now that exams, coursework and other assessments are all over. Next month … Read more