Schedule for Maternal Melodrama Symposium on 3rd of June

Posted by Sarah

Exciting news! We now have a schedule for the Maternal Melodrama Symposium which will take place on the 3rd of June in GLT3 (Grimond Lecture Theatre 3) and GS6 (Grimond Seminar Room 6). The day includes talks by our special guests –  Professor Pam Cook of Southampton University and Dr Catherine Grant of the University of Sussex – as well as from members of the Melodrama Research Group.


10.00 – 10.30 Greetings and refreshments GS6

10.30 – 12.30 Videographic essays and the Maternal Melodrama GLT3

                Pam Cook: “Paratext and Subtext: Reading Mildred Pierce as Maternal


                Catherine Grant: “Studying Old and New Maternal Melodramas


12.30 – 1.30 Lunch GS6

1.30 – 3.30 Afternoon papers GLT3

10 minute papers

                 Keeley Saunders: “Transitioning and the Maternal Melodrama:

                 Parental Roles in Transamerica”

                 Lavinia Brydon: The Suffering and Sacrifices of a Mother (Country):

                 Examining the Scarred Irish Landscape in The Last September (1999)”


20 minute papers

                Tamar Jeffers McDonald: “All That Costume Allows: Does Dress Tell the 

                Mother’s Story?”

                 Lies Lanckman: “”All the melodramatics of my life are past!”: The  

                  Fan  Magazine as a Melodramatic Medium”

                 Ann- Marie Fleming: “”It’s very difficult to keep the line between the past and

                 the present”:  Exploring the melodramatic depictions of the women from Grey

                 Gardens (1975 and 2009)”


3.30 – 4.00 Afternoon tea GS6

4.00 – 5.00 Roundup of thoughts, responses and future plans GS6

Please see the next post for contributors’ abstracts.

Update: the event is free, but booking is essential. Please email me on to secure your place.


Spring Term Screening and Discussion Schedule

Posted by Sarah

We now have the dates and times for next term’s screening and discussion sessions.


The group will meet  in Keynes Seminar Room 6 from 4-7pm on the Wednesdays of weeks 13 (22nd Jan), 14 (29th Jan), 16 (12th Feb), 17 (19th Feb), 19 (5th March), 22 (26th March), 23 (2nd April). All are welcome.

More details will be posted here when they become available, but do put these dates in your diaries.

REMINDER: Autumn Term Screening and Discussion Schedule

Posted by Sarah

A quick reminder of the place, time and dates for this term’s events.


All are welcome to attend our screening and discussion sessions in the Autumn Term.



These are due to take place in KS6 (Keynes, Seminar Room 6) from 4-7pm on:


9th of October (Week 2) Of Human Bondage (1934, John Cromwell,83 mins)

16th of October (Week 3) Rain (1932, Lewis Milestone, 94 mins)

30th of October (Week 5) What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962, Robert Aldrich, 134 mins)

6th of November (Week 6) TBA

13th of November (Week 7) TBA

27th of November (Week 9) TBA

11th of December (Week 11)TBA

18th of December (Week 12) TBA

More details of the first 3 films, and confirmation of those due to screen later in the term, will be posted shortly.

For information on our new meeting place (including a handy map!), visit: