Guest post – Advice on the defence and security sector

Sam Cranny-Evans is a graduate of the School of History, and works as a defence industry analyst with IHS Jane’s (you can read his graduate profile here).

Sam has given a number of talks for the School in the past on how to apply your research skills to a future career, and on the work he has done for Jane’s. Below, Sam has set out his advice for anyone interested in a career in the defence, security, and open intelligence sector.

Your future career

There are a few things I would encourage you to remember, regardless of what career you would like to have:

  • A path to your dream job may not be straightforward. I was a chef, before becoming a personnel trainer, then a data analyst and finally ending up where I am now. Don’t be disheartened if it feels like you aren’t progressing in the right direction.
  • You may have to build ancillary skills (data analysis, for instance) but you have the ability to do this – if you can study for a degree, you will have the skills you need to acquired other skills.
  • It is likely that you will have to work for not very much money at the start. This is quite normal, and if your goal is to have a job that you enjoy then it is to be expected.

Jobs in the defence sector

There are lots of places to apply to – many of the organisations below offer internships and entry-level jobs:

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