Guest post – Advice on the defence and security sector

Sam Cranny-Evans is a graduate of the School of History, and works as a defence industry analyst with IHS Jane’s (you can read his graduate profile here).

Sam has given a number of talks for the School in the past on how to apply your research skills to a future career, and on the work he has done for Jane’s. Below, Sam has set out his advice for anyone interested in a career in the defence, security, and open intelligence sector.

Your future career

There are a few things I would encourage you to remember, regardless of what career you would like to have:

  • A path to your dream job may not be straightforward. I was a chef, before becoming a personnel trainer, then a data analyst and finally ending up where I am now. Don’t be disheartened if it feels like you aren’t progressing in the right direction.
  • You may have to build ancillary skills (data analysis, for instance) but you have the ability to do this – if you can study for a degree, you will have the skills you need to acquired other skills.
  • It is likely that you will have to work for not very much money at the start. This is quite normal, and if your goal is to have a job that you enjoy then it is to be expected.

Jobs in the defence sector

There are lots of places to apply to – many of the organisations below offer internships and entry-level jobs:

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Defence analysis – alumni presentation

You are warmly invited to attend a talk by Sam Cranny-Evans, a graduate of the School and now a defence analyst at IHS Jane’s. Sam is coming to speak about his research into the new methods Russia and its armed forces are using to fight wars and exert influence around the world.

Sam will be coming back to campus later this term to talk about how his War Studies degree helped prepare him for his career. This will be a good opportunity for you to hear from a former student about one type of career that is open to History and Military History students, before hearing about how your degree can contribute to and prepare you for this sort of work.

If you are interested in this subject or a career in defence analysis, do come along to Eliot Lecture Theatre 2 at 6pm on Friday 9th March.

EmpFest event – Researching and Writing Defence Analysis Reports

Many of the sessions running throughout EmpFest bring former students back to Kent to discuss their careers and to inspire current students to explore new possibilities for themselves.

Samuel Cranny-Evans, an alumni of the School of History and now a Senior Analyst on Land Warfare Platforms for Jane’s, the well-known defence sector analysis firm, will discuss how the skills he developed writing essays translate into drafting analyses, reports, and news articles on military and defence issues.

Samuel’s talk will be held on Tuesday 24th October from 12noon-1pm in Darwin Lecture Theatre 1.


EDIT: Sam’s talk was a great success, certainly one of the best employability talks given to History students in recent years. You can watch Sam’s talk via YouTube: