Expenses Policy Guidance Notes Update

Following the recent changes to the expenses policy some additional FAQ’s relating to mileage and subsistence claims have been added to the Knowledgebase Document (EP8) … Read more

Christmas Payment Deadlines

As we approach the end of 2021, the Payments Office would like to draw attention to the following dates regarding deadlines for payments to be … Read more

Hotel Costs on Expense Claims

Should you need to claim expenses for a hotel booking it has been recognised that the cost of hotel rooms is currently higher than before … Read more

Finance Structure

Overview The Finance Directorate’s new structure took effect from early August and we are now recruiting to fill in some gaps in staffing.  Once completed … Read more

Payment by Cheque

We have been advised by NatWest that as of 1st June 2021 it will become a requirement that any cheques that we issue need to … Read more