The latest Pantheon web farm update (release tag 2012-08-02a) includes:
1 core change
fixes to 5 snippets
changes to 1 theme
The svn logs of these changes are:
- [pantheon][pgprogrammes] – fixed a bug where the ‘see also’ box was showing in some cases even when there were no related subjects or programmes
- [Pantheon][MenuGenerator] Fix submenus
- [Pantheon][Snippets][KentContent] Fix Unicode issue with Staff Profile Blurbs
- [Pantheon][Snippets][KentSummary] Fix error when the optional ‘a’ tag is omitted
- [pantheon][ugprogrammes] – added UPProgrammes folder to assets
- [Pantheon][Snippets][DepartmentFooter] Add back-end code to allow attributions to live again
The Castor branch has now been updated with some security fixes, and is now at version 2012-07-30castor.