[New release – Gallery snippet]
- The Gallery snippet is now available for all publishers. Please download the latest snippet pack image gallery functionality
- Sample gallery: http://www.kent.ac.uk/web/themes/chronos/snippets/advanced/gallery.html
- Knowledgebase article: http://www.kent.ac.uk/web/knowledgebase/index.php?sid=34118&lang=en&action=artikel&cat=79&id=575&artlang=en
[Bug fix – Scroller snippet]
- A bug has been fixed with the scroller snippet where items were not scrolling correctly. Please update your snippet pack for the latest version.
SVN log
- [Pantheon][Snippets][Formmailer] – updated jquery.validate to 1.9 to fix IE issues
- [Pantheon][CityandRegion] Fixed styling issue with FileList snippet.
- [Pantheon][Twitter] Fix default snippet option
- [Pantheon][Rendition] Fix to background not aligning with bottom of the page