It can be extremely frustrating to have issues with your laptops or phones, especially whilst in a foreign country and when these devises are essential to getting coursework done. Fortunately, Paris has a wide range of solutions to electronics woes. From repairs to good value replacements, here are some valuable resources if you find yourself in a tech bind in Paris. As a general rule, if you’re having something repaired, it’s always best to ask for a quote (devis) up front so that there aren’t any unpleasant surprises at the time of payment.

Apple Genius Bar – Opéra
Apple Genius Bar
If you have Apple products, the best first step would be to make an appointment at an Apple Genius Bar (same name in French!). Their staff might be able to help you on the spot for free or provide repairs which could be covered by your warranty. The closest Apple Store to the school is in the Marché Saint-Germain and there are other stores at Opéra and on the Champs Elysées. You can make an appointment online here.

WeFix / Facebook
If you’re looking to get your smartphone repaired (broken screens or more), you can also try this tech company run by French electronics company FNAC/Darty. They are Apple certified and have reliable, professional service. They have a shop within the FNAC at Montparnasse, so very close to the school, as well as several other locations in Paris.
L’Atelier du Portable
This shop on Boulevard Saint-Michel in the 5th (a short walk from the school), is specialised in laptop and phone repairs. What’s great is that they can usually assist you quickly, without an appointment and within two hours, plus their prices are rather reasonable. They also offer free diagnostics and quotes, so you can know if it’s worth repairing your computer or if it’s simply better to get a new one.

Atelier des Smartphones
L’Atelier Des Smartphones
Another repair shop nearby the school is this good venue on Boulevard Raspail in the 6th. They are especially helpful for quick repairs for any type of smartphone as well as tablets and computers. They can repair screens, replace batteries or motherboards in addition to selling cables and other accessories.
Another good repair shop is the I Repair Center – just a stone’s throw from the Apple Store at Opéra. For repairs, we recommend going in person to explain your problem and get a quote.
Back Market
If your tech has definitely gone kaput, you can get an affordable used laptop, tablet or smartphone via this online platform. What’s particularly useful is that they have an extremely wide range of items which are labeled according to their condition. Therefore, if you’re on a tight budget you can make a quick switch without breaking the bank. They also have great customer service and different guarantee options.

Rue Montgallet – Sortir à Paris
Rue Montgallet – Paris’s Tech City
This street in the 12th district (métro Montgallet line 8) is known as being a little electronics hub in the city. You can find anything from very good value used electronics to parts if you’re handy with repairs yourself.

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
Useful Terminology
Luckily, a lot of tech terminology is similar or the same in French, however, there are a few differences. If you do need to have repairs or replacements done, this handy vocabulary can help ensure you get what you need done correctly!
Tech – Informatique
Computer = ordinateur
Laptop = portable
Cellphone / mobile phone = téléphone portable or mobile
Repair = réparation
Replace = remplacer
Refurbished (used) = reconditionné
Good condition / Very good condition / Perfect condition = état correct / très bon état / parfait état
Unlocked phone (phones you can put your sim card in) = téléphone débloqué
Screen = écran
Scratch (for screens) = rayure
Charger = chargeur
Cable = câble
Good Luck! Bonne chance!
Top Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay