Kent Sport health and fitness instructor Sarah Black encourages a balanced lifestyle for a healthy future:
We plan our pensions, forecast our careers and prioritise our family lives. Although, how many of us can truthfully say they have a protective policy set up for their health?
We have a vision of success and a need for happiness, alongside the desire to be healthy and whole-hearted. A lot of thought goes into ideas of being productive, but very little implementation goes into ensuring these plans emphasise the importance of our wellbeing?
Human nature’s extrinsic truth is to naturally want to push our minds, bodies and temperaments to the limit. Stretching our boundaries to eventually reach the insurmountable; through force rather than choice. Routines become habits and turn into indestructible programmes which are hard to break mentally and become engrained in us to adhere with physically.
The training some of us engage in currently does not respond effectively to our bodies requirements and we tend to fall into a media promoted response that reflects the experiences and nuances of our neighbours, coaches and friends; rather than our own needs. Ploughing through injuries, we work through sickness and ignore signs to slow down, having the fear that stopping what we are doing or resting could and will have negative results on our well-chosen path of focus and development.
We are told the right food groups to incorporate daily to optimise energy and vitality;
yet ironically we still continue to seek the easier option or more suitably convenient choice. It doesn’t take a scientist to point out that the damage we are doing now through neglectful decisions will later appear to us in the form of destruction and illness in perhaps a few days, months or years to come.
If you disagree with this topic objectively but yet as an individual have the capacity to mentally nourish your mind, body and soul; then I salute you and ask that you share your answers. For the rest of us who have set up trust funds for when we retire, but not considered the daily damage we are trawling our bodies with. I suggest we all take some time to pause for a moment to reflect upon the bigger picture.
Every now and again we receive warning signs, the body’s way of trying to gain our attention and address the neglect. Minor pokes to remind us we need to nurture our health, whilst still remembering that our mind has the capability to choose what it sees and overpower what it believes. Sooner rather than later our body has a way of catching us up.
Balance is important for repair, structure and equilibrium. When we start listening to our senses, trusting our choices and setting the right examples. Small positive changes will receive endless results and numerous rewards.
Mind is King, Driver is Ego. For functionality, we must work with Mind, body and soul to create a pedestal of health.
For advice about how to achieve a healthy lifestyle don’t hesitate to chat with members of the Kent Sport fitness team and you can find out about fitness consultations offered on the Kent Sport website.