Celebrating Apprenticeships

While National Apprenticeship Week is an inspiring and exciting time for those working within Apprenticeships, it is also important to remember that apprentices are working … Read more


It is extremely exciting to share that the GES-DAP (Government Economic Service Degree Apprenticeship Programme) is officially live. GES-DAP: What is it? The GESDAP the … Read more

Is a degree apprenticeship right for my child?

Since the introduction of degree apprenticeships in 2015 (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-rolls-out-flagship-degree-apprenticeships), the number of employers and universities offering them has grown considerably. Through a degree apprenticeship your … Read more

Meet our Apprentice

Hajra shares her day to day experience of being a laboratory scientist. She works for GSK and studies with the University of Kent. In the … Read more