The 2018 Colloquium of the British Association of Academic Phoneticians was held at the University of Kent, 12-14 April 2018.
BAAP 2018 was a great success! A big thank you to our 116 delegates for making the colloquium such an inspiring event. The meeting was live-tweeted (a storified version of #BAAP2018 is available here). We also took some photos during the conference.
The following prizes were announced at the closing ceremony:
- Peter Ladefoged prize for the presentation most in the spirit of the work of the late Peter Ladefoged went to Jalal Al-Tamimi and Ghada Khattab, “Acoustic correlates of the voicing contrast in Lebanese Arabic singleton and geminate plosives”
- Eugénie Henderson prize for the best oral presentation by non-member went to Benjamin Gittelson for the co-authored work on “Acoustic voice quality analysis of 1000+ speakers from across the UK” (Benjamin Gittelson, Yang Li and Adrian Leemann)
- Bryony Perks (“The perceptual spacing of Cardinal Vowels in naïve English and Spanish speaking listeners” co-authored by Francis Nolan, Bryony Perks and Kirsty McDougall) and Stephen Nicholls (“Gradience and categoricity in s-retraction: An ultrasound study of Manchester English” co-authored by Stephen Nicholls and George Bailey) shared the Eugénie Henderson prize for the best poster presentation by non-member. Two prizes were awarded as both posters received equal votes at the time of the prize draw.
- In addition to the traditional BAAP prizes, the Kent Centre for Language and Linguistics prize for the best student presentation was awarded to Amanda Cole for the presentation “‘East London ain’t East London no more’: Phonetic variation and change in the Cockney diaspora” (co-authored by Amanda Cole and Bronwen Evans).
See you at #BAAP2020!