Migrating to Behat 2.x

Today I needed to pick up a project that a colleague had written and make modifications. Like a good developer should, he had written tests … Read more

Kent mobile web application

The web development team have recently finished the first iteration of the new University of Kent mobile web application, and we hope to get something usable up … Read more

Release notes: 12th July 2011

Blogs The University’s blogs service has been updated to run the latest release of WordPress.  For a full list of changes please look at the … Read more

What’s going on?

We’ve not had a blog post for a bit, so I thought that I would take this opportunity to let you know some of the … Read more

Release notes: 5 July 2011

The University web template engine Pantheon have been updated on the preview server.  These will be published onto the live server in the morning of Thursday 7th July. … Read more

Release notes: 28th June 2011

The University web template engine Pantheon have been updated on the preview server.  These will be published onto the live server in the morning of Thursday 30th June. … Read more