🎉Congratulations! 🎉 You have defended your job and those of fellow UCU members!
Our agreement with the University gives UCU members protection from job cuts in 2021.
E-Vote Result:
Do you accept the agreement between UCU and the university to resolve the dispute over compulsory redundancies in 2021?
Yes: 96%
Thanks to your vote in the ballot and your agreement to accept a deal, our dispute over compulsory redundancies in 2021 is now closed. Your ballot beat job cuts!
Before your vote in the industrial action ballot, Kent University was:
- Drawing up redundancy selection criteria for academics.
- Aiming to cut £2 million from staff “costs”
- Refusing to rule out compulsory redundancies (CRs) in 2021
What have we won?
- No CRs as part of 2million ‘cost savings’
- No CRs due to recruitment
- No CRs due to any shortfalls in income
UoK UCU & senior management’s full dispute resolution statement can be read here