Our third conference is approaching!


This is just a reminder that Pleasure in the Text, Pleasure of the Text is approaching. If you want a sneak peak of what to expect from our conference in Paris, you can check out our brochure, or the final version of the A3 Poster.

See you all in Paris then!

Pleasure in/of the Text – Conference Programme

We are pleased to announce that the conference programme is available for viewing at this address.

There are also some additions to the page dedicated to the conference, such as the A3 Poster with programme and additional information of Reid Hall in Paris.

Issues with email subscriptions

I apologies for those who subscribed for the mailing list and keep receiving updates on old posts. Feedburner automatically converts new blog posts into emails, it was supposed to check the blog every day at 5pm and then send an email only in case there is new content. Apparently it’s checking the blog at 5 in the morning (the early bird!) and emailing the list with random posts. I fixed the time, and did some advised troubleshooting, let’s see if our beloved subscribers will receive this post via email this afternoon at 5… Fingers crossed!

Email Updates

Just a technical update. Finally I figured out how to make Feedburner Email Updates work. Many of you may licitly ask: ‘Who cares?’. You care! Because now by clicking on the ‘Email Updates‘ link (in the Keep Updated sidebar) you will now be able to subscribe to Skepsi’s mailing list (instead of seeing a number of unintelligible options). This in turn means that you can stop visiting this blog daily (there MUST be at least some aficionados, or not?) because you will receive directly in your inbox all the updates that are published here!

And there was much rejoicing.

Paper copies

I am glad to announce that all Skepsi‘s issues are now available in hard copy at Templeman Library, University of Kent. Click HERE for information, classmark, and bibliographical record.