Pre-16 Outreach Offer 2024/25

Our outreach activities for Pre-16 include a range of in-school, online and on-campus activities, including STEM specific workshops! Years 7-11 Assembly Talks 25-minute talk to … Read more

FE Outreach Offer 2024/25

  Year 1     Talk: What’s next after college? Exploring options for progression into higher education, apprenticeships or work  Talk: Value of HE and how … Read more

Targeted Outreach Offer 2024/25

  LGBTQIA+ myth busters The ‘LGBTQIA+ myth busters’ are student ambassadors who share their unique journeys and experiences of university life, providing a supportive space … Read more

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters

The LGBTQ+ Mybusters are Student Ambassadors who facilitate conversations to speak to students candidly about their experiences, both in terms of their sexuality and/or identity, … Read more

LGBTQ+ Mythbusters

The LGBTQ+ Mythbusters are Student Ambassadors, who work with schools to facilitate candid conversations about the experiences of LGBTQ+ students, and their pathways to Higher … Read more