Tag Archives: SeNSS

Miss the SeNSS Applicant Briefing Sessions?

The Graduate School hosted several information sessions for students in Autumn 2018 on how to apply for SeNSS-funded studentships. Were you unable to attend one of the sessions but want to find out more about how to apply for a SeNSS-funded studentship? 

Please contact the Graduate School with any queries: graduateschool@kent.ac.uk

CHASE and SeNSS Briefing Sessions for Staff and Potential Students

Are you interested in applying for a CHASE or SeNSS-funded studentship but are unsure where to begin? Are you a supervisor or administrator supporting CHASE or SeNSS-funded students?

The Graduate School is hosting several information sessions for staff and students in the Autumn of 2018 on how to apply for CHASE-funded and SeNSS-funded studentships. Please click on the links below for more information:

Please get in touch with the Graduate School at graduateschool@kent.ac.uk with any queries and to reserve a place on one of these sessions.