Supporting postgraduates who teach

The Graduate School’s recent surveys for Graduate Teaching Assistants and Hourly Paid Lecturers showed that you value opportunities to meet each other.  Dr Jo Collins (Graduate School), Dr Jennifer Leigh (UELT) and Nicole Brown (SSPSSR) are working on a project funded by the Staff and Educational Development Association to support GTA development and to understand the needs of our international GTAs better.  As part of this we will be running the following sessions which are open to all postgraduates who teach:

  • Tools for teaching: Becoming a “teacher”, 13 November 2019, 11-1pm
  • Tools for teaching: Engaging students in discussions, 22 January 2020, 12.30-2.30
  • Tools for teaching: Questioning techniques, 5 February 2020, 1-3pm
  • Tools for teaching: Assessment and providing feedback, 4 March, 10-12pm

To book, or find out more please see

These sessions are supported by the Graduate School, UELT, and the Staff and Educational Development Association, who have sponsored this initiative (the project has also been aided by TESSA-funded research carried out by Jo Collins and Nicole Brown (2018-19)).

Please contact if you have any queries.