Mike Sault, Supervisor, Sibson Café
The nomination was received from Kerry Bowra, HR Manager, KBS. Kerry commented that Mike consistently provides an excellent customer service. Mike demonstrates extreme patience when training colleagues and has a calm authoritative manner when dealing with situations that arise.
Stewart Thomson, Building Surveyor (pictured)
The nomination was received from Martin Jones, Head of Technical Support, for the recent collaborative project carried out with Canterbury College students to repair the wall in the Grounds Compound. Stewart’s proactive thinking has resulted in a saving to the University whilst also providing an essential hands on training opportunity for the students.
Mark Crutchlow, Despatch and Postal Assistant (pictured)
The nomination was received from Liberty Chambers, Corporate Events Manager, on behalf of the Congregation Team, for Mark’s contribution to the ceremonies in March and May. Mark went above and beyond to contribute to the success of each event as part of the executive group.
In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact all have made to both the Department and the University.
In recognition of the award each recipient will receive a £75 top up to their Kent One card. Certificates were presented by Trevor Pereira. Director of Commercial Services and Estates.