Julie Gellatly and Hayley Blindell, Housekeeping Supervisors (Hayley pictured)
The nomination was received from Becky Verlin in recognition of the outstanding commitment demonstrated by Julie and Hayley, ensuring a consistently high standard of cleanliness, which includes additional buildings both are now responsible for. Becky commented, a number of compliments have been received at Woody’s and the Coop and are as a result of Hayley’s commitment. Whilst Julie has stepped in to cover staff inductions in addition to providing cover for the Sport areas.
Jenny Martine, Interior Services and Signage Manager
The nomination was received from Laetitia Gullett on behalf of herself and many staff members in MORA for the recent redecoration project. Laetitia commented that Jenny has gone the extra mile in every aspect of the project, ensuring all members of staff felt included and more importantly happy with all the arrangements. Jenny has demonstrated excellent customer service skills.
Alex Watson, Building Services Engineer
The nomination was received from Martin Jones in recognition of Alex’s role during the recent works to repair the underground high voltage network. Alex worked closely with UKPN to ensure minimal disruption, which resulted in the area being reinstated in readiness for a crucial University Open Day event.
In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Department and the University.
In recognition of the award Julie, Hayley, Jenny and Alex will each receive a £75 top up to their Kent One card.