Welcome to CSR & Student Reflections Blog

Welcome to the CSR & Student Reflections Blog,

Lottie Davies

At Kent Business School, we are experimenting with ‘Flipped Learning’ in our Corporate Social Responsibility Module. This is the idea that lectures and home study are reversed. Students watch short videos at home, and lectures are devoted to real life case studies and discussions. This challenges the traditional teaching model and places the responsibility for learning onto the student.

We have received guest speakers from different sectors including non-profit organisations, charities and the private sector. Such organisations include the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE), LEGO and Skanska.

Our guest speakers have encouraged us to consider real life ethical dilemmas, encouraging us to use ‘reflection’. This allows us to reach a ‘pluralistic perspective’ by considering ethical issues from a number of viewpoints and ethical theories.

Jude Houston, Business Conduct & Ethics Manager at LEGO, explored how corporate (and family) values influence the ethical production of goods. This is demonstrated at LEGO by avoiding the promotion of warfare in products, despite market popularity. Greg Chant-Hall, Head of Sustainability at Skanska, encouraged us to consider the challenges of managing ethics throughout the supply chain.

As students, we are engaged, and excited by the guest speakers to come… including Ian Stevens, Programme Manager (Suicide Prevention) at Network Rail.

We look forward to student reflections and general comments.


Lottie Davies, Co-Editor of ‘CSR & Student Reflections Blog’

KBS Final Year Student 2015-16

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