What Next? – Wednesday 23 January 2019

In your final year at university? Starting to think about what to do next? Then What Next? is for you!

What Next? is an event designed to help School of Arts students, whether in Film, History of Art or Drama, think about what they are going to do next year and beyond.

“It was a very useful and great event! Had some inspiring conversations with the people who are/have been in the similar kind of situation” – Final Year Student on What Next? 2018

“It was an opportunity to ask the questions that I wanted to ask. It gave me a chance to sit down and think about exactly what I wanted to do after graduating.” – Final Year Student on What Next? 2017

What Next? takes the form of an Un-Conference, which will allow you to set the agenda and explore the ideas that most interest you. You’ll have the chance to have conversations with a range of people, including alumni and arts professionals from outside the university, the careers advisors, and School of Arts lecturers – and, most importantly, each other.

You’ll be able to discuss such subjects as the nuts and bolts of jobseeking, postgraduate study, and how to go about building your dream career – or anything else you want to talk about! You’ll also find out about the National Student Survey, how it works and why it’s important.

As if that wasn’t enough, there’ll be CAKE, WINE, ENTERTAINMENT and PRIZES. What’s not to like?

Please note that this event is ONLY for final year Undergraduates and Postgraduates (i.e. those graduating in 2019) who study a Single Honours, Joint Honours or PG subject in the School of Arts.

Book your place here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8bMfpoQggW1_Gp_ruQ879o9p9U6bHY_6_8lQ3fm-tM_Nrcw/viewform?fbzx=2450793617917272810 

Call for actors for a short film

Zoe Langhorn is a first-year media studies student, who is currently making a short film. The film is about a girl getting a message from someone online whom she has no interest in and politely says she’s not interest – however, had already told him where she was going out to that evening. Leading onto him turning up at the club and giving her a date rape drug.

The film is being created to show awareness for sexual assault and safety and will be focussing on what can be done to keep people safe.

Zoe is looking for a male and possibly female actor to play the two main parts aged between 18-24 as well as needing extras to play the other people in the club.
The roles are unpaid but are a great opportunity for experience. The film will also all be taking place on campus so no travelling will be needed.

If you are interested in the role then please email Zoe at zl220@kent.ac.uk.


Enhancement Week – Postgraduate Study at Kent

Have you thought about your next steps in academia?

The Graduate School is holding a number workshops for Undergraduate and Master’s students who are thinking about their future in academia.

Wednesday 7 November

Talk to our Postgraduates

14.00 – 16.00, Graduate School
CE329, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Current Master’s and PhD students have volunteered their time to talk to you about their time as a postgraduate student. You can ask them about their experiences and what life is like as a postgraduate at Kent. Hear about postgraduate facilities, intensity of workload and how they manage their finances. Get to know what expectations are realistic and tips on establishing a work/life balance. Ask about support and what relationships/contacts they have developed during study and, find out what challenges there may be to overcome.

Register here.

Thursday 8 November

Designing a Research Proposal or Master’s Application

13.00-16.00, Graduate School
CE329, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Dr Jo Collins, Postgraduate Development Advisor – Graduate School.

This workshop is aimed at students who are putting together a Master’s application or research proposals for PhD projects. We will consider what a good application/proposal needs, examine some examples of successful applications/proposals, and consider some tips and tricks from successful applicants. Participants should bring along their draft applications (if you have already started), as there will be an opportunity to work on these in the session. The workshop will provide a supportive, interactive work space for participants who are designing their own projects.

Register here


Friday 9 November

Kent Scholarships – what’s on offer?

10.00 – 11.00, Graduate School Training Room, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Stephen McLaughlin, Postgraduate Funding Officer and Louise Mann, Scholarships and Research Councils Assistant.

This workshop is designed to give you an insight into applying for postgraduate scholarships at Kent. We will be covering what to look for when searching for a scholarship, both at Kent and from scholarship search engines and also what makes a good application. How are Scholarship decisions made? What can I expect out of a scholarship? The workshop will cover both Master’s and PhD scholarships. This will be a fully interactive session with a scholarship themed puzzles to solve.

Register here.


Friday 9 November

Postgraduate Funding: Considering the Alternatives

13.00 – 16.00, Graduate School Training Room, Cornwallis East 3rd Floor

(Final Year UG and Master’s Students)

Need extra funding? For fees, living expenses, research, travel, conferences.
If the answer is ‘Yes’ to any of these, then consider this workshop with Dr Luke Blaxill, Director of GradFunding. It explores the thousands of alternative grant-making bodies in Britain: principally charities, trusts, and foundations.
By the end of the workshop, participants will have gained the knowledge and skills needed to:

1. identify the appropriate and best alternative funding bodies for them
2. find these bodies via books and the internet
3. apply strongly and in the correct fashion.

Register here.

PearShaped Ticket Offer

A message from School of Arts alumnae, Rachael Smith (Drama and Theatre BA, 2013:


My name is Rachael and I’m getting in touch on behalf of my theatre company PearShaped with a ticket offer for our show Conquest, which is transferring to The Bunker later this month.

I am School of Arts alumni (I graduated in 2013), studied Drama and Theatre Studies, and am now producing with PearShaped, We are an emerging theatre company who make female-led theatre and twist conventional forms of storytelling.

Described as Fight Club meets Calendar Girls, Conquest is a funny and honest exploration of sexual consent and the minefield of today’s feminism. And involves a lot of cupcakes.

The show premiered at Vault festival where we got some great reviews. Here are some things people said about the show:


“A timely, humorous look at feminism, period-shaming and the glaring issues of a patriarchal society” (A Younger Theatre)


“This is a Conquest [people] should be boasting they have seen” (British Theatre Guide)


“a statement piece penned by Katie Caden… an exploration of the multidimensional female voice”  – Londontheatre1


The show is running from the 29th May to the 9th June (Tuesday – Saturday) starting at 8.30pm every night. We’re double billing with fab company on the button who are presenting their show ‘Don’t Panic! It’s Challenge Anneka’ at 7pm each night. Here’s the link for more information and tickets: https://www.bunkertheatre.com/whats-on/conquest/about

For each performance, there is a limited amount of Under 30s tickets for £10. Alternatively, if you book 5 tickets, the 6th will be free using the code DRAMASOC

Invitation to The Dream – A Musical about child soldiers, UN intervention and War

You are all invited to the opening show of the musical ‘The Dream’.

The musical will be produced in collaboration with the Iris Theatre at the Actors Church St Paul’s in Covent Garden 12 May 2018 at 7:30pm.

The Dream is a musical written to inspire and bring awareness about how it may feel to flee war. It follows the lives of a family in the war torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who are having to flee war to Norway with the help of two Swedish missionaries. The scenes also bring light to the sad reality of being a child soldier and the intervention of the United Nations in the country.

For tickets please visit: www.actorschurch.org

For more information: 

Abortion in Britain: past, present and future event

FREE EVENT – Abortion in Britain: past, present and future

Wednesday 21st March

Venue: Moot Chamber, Wigoder Building, Kent Law School, University of Kent, Canterbury

Marking the 50th Anniversary of the passage and implementation of the Abortion Act 1967, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies from SSPSSR has organised an afternoon of discussion, together with Kent’s Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Reproduction (CISoR) and KLS. All Welcome.

1:30pm Coffee and Welcome

2-3.15pm ‘Kind to Women: how the 1967 Abortion Act changed our lives’

Film show and Q and A with film director, Jayne Kavanagh (UCL Medical School)

About the film:

The passing of the 1967 Abortion Act was a pivotal moment for women’s health and women’s lives. The culmination of decades of campaigning, it finally ended the horror of deaths from self-induced and backstreet abortions. It precipitated the public funding of contraception for all and meant that, finally, women were able to choose when and whether to have children. In this moving documentary, women who survived illegal abortion and the nurses who picked up the pieces when things went wrong, and campaigning doctors and abortion rights advocates share vivid memories of the time; and bring to life the story of this ground breaking legislation and of a historic turning point for women’s rights.

3.30-5pm ‘The future of abortion: the case for decriminalisation’

Discussion with opening comments from Professor Sally Sheldon (Kent Law School) and Ann Furedi, CEO, British Pregnancy Advisory Service and author, The Moral Case for Abortion.

5-6pm Drinks Reception, and meet the author, with Ann Furedi

25% discount for students on The Moral Case for Abortion book purchase on the day!

If you are interested along coming to the event please make sure you sign up for a tickets at this link:


For more information about the event please feel free to contact me at vp238@kent.ac.uk

School of Arts’ Alumnus producing Evolution Festival

Evolution Festival


This festival is packed with loads of exciting events and I believe the panel discussions could be useful to students as they are FREE!


Here is the link for more info. > https://www.facebook.com/TEAfilms/

The Film fest is FREE! And is followed by a panel discussion about women in the arts.


Here is the link to where tickets can be purchased.  


Acting for Improvers course starting this week!

Hello School of Arts students,

Shout out for anyone interested in the Study Plus Acting courses starting next week – there are still some spaces available on the Acting for Improvers course.  This course is suitable for anyone with some experience of acting who is looking to experiment with different approaches.

This will be a fun and creative course focusing on developing character and working on scenes.

You can find more information about the course here: https://www.kent.ac.uk/studyplus/courses/coursesArtsCreative.html

I will be teaching the courses so if you have any questions please do give me a shout.  In addition to being a PhD student here at Kent, I am also a professional actress, having worked in a variety of mediums including at the National Theatre, in the West End and on the BBC.

Actors required for research project!

I’m a 2nd year PhD student in Psychology and part of the team “Autism Research at Kent”.


I am working on language, imagination and autism.

My supervisor (Dr Heather Ferguson) and I are currently setting up a study where participants (with and without autism) will listen to short spoken sentences while we record their brain activity using EEG. As part of this, we are looking for some actors to record some simple spoken sentences that we can use as stimuli. They would of course be paid for their time.

Contact: Mahsa Barzy                                                                                                     mm951@kent.ac.uk