Call for Film Extras – Kent Business School Film Shoot – 11th March

Kent Business School (KBS) are filming some promotional videos on the Canterbury Campus on 11th March and they need your help please!

KBS need students to act as extras in scenes in Woolf College, Woodys – Park Wood Union and the Sibson Building for mock lectures and classroom scenes. It will be a fun day of shooting with a professional film crew. Something great to talk about in job interviews!

When are you needed?

11th March, Canterbury Campus – Whatever time you have available, we have a number of filming sessions during the day that we need extras for, some details below, but please do get in touch for more details:

  1. Do you live in Woolf College or nearby? We have an early morning session 50-8.30 where we need to film a few students hanging out. We know it’s early, but it will be starring role at that time in the morning! You might even get to film some scenes with Gandalf the Cat!
  2. 40-11.15 – Various scenes around campus, Templeton Library, Park Union etc.
  3. 15-14.00 – Mock lectures in Sibson Lecture Theatre 1.
  4. 00-16.00 – Scenes around the campus shops and in the Sibson Building.

Interest? Please Contact:

Sarah Vella-Brown in the KBS Marketing Team:

01227 82 7984