Film students Charlie and Abdul are making a short film, between 15-20 minutes long. They are seeking:
Male lead– A quiet, geeky type with social anxiety.
Female lead– A loud, confident, morally dubious drug dealer with high ambitions.
Secondary characters
The female lead’s girlfriend– A smart chemistry student who has developed her own drug.
Drug boss 1– An intelligent and confident authoritative character.
Drug boss 2– While an ostensibly calm and collected man, he harbours a psychotic streak.
Henchman- Considering this role is more based around being a threatening presence, someone of a bigger build is more sought after.
As well as these roles, a runner for the film is required.
The film follows a socially awkward guy as he is drawn into the violent and exciting world of drug crime through his acquaintance with a mysterious girl.
If you wish to be in the film email both Charlie and Abdul