Software Development Intern

FutureCodersSE CIC is looking to hire an intern for 2 months during June and July 2020. The role will require front-end development skills, good social … Read more

Virtual Talent Fest 2020

Talent Fest 2020 is going virtual with three days of virtual events including a portfolio clinic, skills summit and jobs fair: Portfolio Clinic – Monday … Read more

MThree Aspire Scholarship

The mthree Aspire Scholarship, is a 12-week online training bootcamp that equips students with the skills they need to become a Full-Stack Java Developer. After training, … Read more

Turing Talent Careers Programme

The Turing Talent Careers Programme is a first-of-its-kind career empowerment programme to kick start your career in the technology industry. The Turing Talent Careers Programme … Read more

Junior front-end web developer

Junior front-end web developer Closing date for applications: 12 April 2020 Soap Box are looking for a junior developer to join a seven-strong team of … Read more