Thinking about your placement for 2019-20? Chester Zoo is now receiving applications for the following positions:

Animal Behaviour & Welfare Placement
Full-time 12 month voluntary industrial placement
Working with the Behaviour and Welfare Scientist and the Behaviour Officer in a team environment, the Behaviour and Welfare Industrial Placement will:
- Assist with the applied animal behaviour and welfare programme for over 500 animal species
- Undertake observations of animal behaviour across a variety of species using different methods
- Learn how to record animal behaviour and write summary reports for a range of stakeholders
- Conduct an animal behaviour research project and have the opportunity to present the findings to Chester Zoo staff, and potentially at a national conference
APPLY NOW – BehaviourWelfareScienceIntern_2019 Chester Zoo Nutrition Internship advert 2019
Wildlife Conservation Physiology Placement
Full-time 12 month voluntary industrial placement
This placement is based in Chester Zoo’s Wildlife Endocrine Diagnostic Laboratory. The placement will provide experience working in an environment focused on supporting wildlife population management research and recommendations. It is most suited to a placement student looking to gain unique training at one of the leading zoological collections in Europe with an international reputation for achieving its mission in conservation breeding programmes, research and education.
Working with the Applied Science Team to accomplish tasks, the industrial placement will:
- Gain laboratory skills including; sample preparation, extraction and enzyme‐immunoassay
- Learn how to interpret and analyse hormone data
- Participate in research projects which aim to understand factors that influence population performance and reproductive healthAPPLY NOW – CZ_ConservationPhysiologyPlacement_2019
Conservation Social Science Placement
Full-time 12 month voluntary industrial placement
Working with the Conservation Social Scientist and Social Science Officer in a team environment, the Social Science Placement will:
- Conduct a specific social science research project. This could include diverse areas such as educational impact, human/ animal interactions, connectedness to nature, or human behaviour change, either related to zoo visitors or as part of our field conservation programmes.
- Potential opportunities to attend conferences to present your project.
- Report findings and write summary articles and documents for a range of stakeholders, potentially including the opportunity to be part of peer-reviewed publications.
APPLY NOW – CZ_ConservationSocialSciencePlacement_2019
Chester Zoo Nutrition Placement
Full-time 12 month voluntary industrial placement
This placement provides the unique experience of working within our animal feeding programme assisting the Nutrition Officer in providing a first-class nutritional service to our animal collection. Tasks of the Nutrition Placement include (but are not limited to):
- Collect, review and analyse nutrition data and information and present to relevant zoo staff
- Conduct a research project to evaluate the effect of diets on captive animal health
- Attend monthly workshops to gain broad general knowledge of modern zoo management
APPLY NOW – Chester Zoo Nutrition Internship advert 2019
Field Programmes Placement
Full-time 12 month voluntary industrial placement
This one year placement provides experience within our comprehensive conservation field programme department at Chester Zoo, which aims to facilitate, coordinate and develop zoo-led and zoo-supported field conservation projects. Working with a Field Programme Coordinator in a team environment, the Field Programmes placement will:
- Conduct one or several specific projects in relation to the current work in our conservation field programmes, which are distributed over six geographic regions and focus on six different specialisms. (For details see
- Assist with the day-to-day coordination of our field programmes
- Learn how to report project outcomes, write summary articles and documents for a range of stakeholders, potentially including the opportunity to be part of peer-reviewed publications
- Involvement in the partnership activities with the IUCN SSC Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group
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