With all members of the team now in place we held a workshop to share views on our understanding of the broad issues around identity management and how it is and should be implemented in higher education establishments and more particularly at the University of Kent.
Probably the most obvious insight to come out of this workshop was the need to schedule weekly workshops for the next month or so. While obviously extremely useful , this sort of forum does highlight just how many issues need to be considered by the project team.
Areas discussed today included:
- compiling a full list of categories of user who may come in to contact with Kent and whose needs should be considered.
- sub-categories of users whose needs may be different eg academic and non-academic staff
- HE establishment pre-requisites for adoption of Logins for Life
- accepted current perception of the concept of identity and and how this could be improved
- Incorporation of unique identifiers eg HUSID number, Unique Learner Number and etc
- Linking identities and roles.
The workshop agreed that the JISC Identity Management Toolkit was a useful framework for the project.