Coaching and intramural opportunities

Kent Sport works hard to help encourage sport participation throughout the University. Not only do we encourage students, staff and members to participate and enjoy the sessions, but Kent Sport’s staff members are also getting out there and doing what they love to do.

Here are two members who can’t get enough of their jobs.

Louisa Arnold coaching netball during staff lunch breaks
Louisa Arnold coaching netball during staff lunch breaks

Louisa Arnold, Kent County Coaching Network Officer
Louisa Arnold recently received the Kent Netball Coach Award for 2013/14. As the County Coaching Network Officer for Kent, she spends her working life supporting the recruitment, development and retention of coaches across many sports throughout the county.

In her spare time, she coaches at both a local netball club and the University. She describes herself as ‘very fortunate to be able to work in a job that I love and one that compliments my hobbies so well.’

If you are interested in coaching or want to find out more about the Kent Coaching Network, including Project 500 that encourages more female coaches to get involved, please contact Louisa Arnold or visit

Francesca Plom, Let's Play Activiator
Francesca Plom, Let’s Play Activator

Fran Plom, Let’s Play Activator
Another member of the Kent Sport team who spends her time inspiring, motivating and organising others is Fran Plom. Fran is a very talented netball player, who as a Kent student, won Sportswoman of the year and took the UKC first team into the BUCS Premier division. Fran not only leads by example on court, but also off court with two terms as the Netball Club president and Netball Now co-ordinator. Fran was rewarded at the recent Kent Netball Awards where she received the Needham Rider Salver for ‘Services to Kent Youth Netball’.

Kent Sport are excited Fran will be working on the new ‘Let’s Play’ programme as an activator, encouraging staff and students to participate in sport and physical activity. Her enthusiasm and motivation will certainly help the ‘Let’s Play’ team make this new initiative a great success.

For more information about ‘Let’s Play’, find Let’s Play Kent Sport on Facebook or visit

Kent Sport’s Sports Development team has developed a comprehensive programme of sports coaching and courses for students, staff and Kent Sport members to participate in and enjoy. With coaching sessions aimed at beginner to improvers, we offer a variety of programmes.

For more information about Kent Sports’ latest offers, news and events, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @UniKentSports.

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