Kent Sport is pleased to announce a brand-new fitness course coming to campus very soon.
Exercise Referral Coordinator Liz Coult has designed a 6-week Menopause Fitness Course to help women manage menopause symptoms through exercise and long-term health and lifestyle changes.
The course is designed to help women navigate the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that occur during menopause, typically between the ages of 40 and 55. The goal of a menopause fitness programme for the individual is to promote physical and mental well-being, and to understand the different training approaches to help with menopause symptoms. Regular physical activity is a key component of any menopause programme to manage weight, strengthen bones, and improve mood.
Once enrolled on the course, you will have an initial health assessment with the Exercise Referral Coordinator, who will then provide a tailored diet and exercise plan. You will be able to use the on-campus gym and group exercise classes throughout the 6-week course, with weekly check-ins with the Exercise Referral Coordinator who will talk through any concerns or adaptions needed.
Course dates
The second intake for our 6-week Menopause Fitness Course starts on Monday 20 January and will run until the end of February. If you’re not able to join this intake, we will be running additional intakes throughout the year.
This course will run alongside our Exercise Referral Scheme (if needed with other medical conditions, booked separately).
Pricing and booking
Kent Sport membership is required to attend the Menopause course.
- Premium Plus members – £29
- Plus members – £35
- Pay to Play members – £64
All Menopause participants will have access to the gym and group exercise classes throughout the 6-week course, as well as a free 30-minute massage/reflexology voucher.
The course is open to students, staff, alumni, and members of the public.
To book your space on the Menopause Fitness course, please complete the online application form.
For more information about how the Menopause Fitness Course can help you, please contact Liz Coult or call 01227 823623.
The Menopause Fitness Course schedule
Week one: Introduction
- Initial meeting with the Exercise Referral Coordinator. Discuss the Kent Sport booking process and sessions available during the course. Provide details of the weekly check-ins and contact details.
- Initial health assessment, introduce gym programme and plate method, book in-person or virtual consultation, explain drop-in sessions and weekly weightlifting sessions.
- Introduction of three exercise programmes: cardiovascular, strength training, core stability and pelvic floor exercises.
Weeks two to five: Following the plan
- Week theme around different areas of support including Diet and Nutrition, Exercise and Movement, Pilates and Core.
- Weekly check-in via phone or email (food diary, plate method, exercise routine). Ask any questions or raise any areas of concern.
- Introduce weekly challenges (exercise challenges, 10k step challenge, Pilates challenge).
- Access to the Kent Sport gym and fitness and dance classes, all included.
Week six: Long-term Strategies
- Final check-in via phone or email (food diary, plate method, exercise routine). Ask any questions or raise any areas of concern.
- Make adaptions to exercise programmes.
- Talk through further support pathways: Exercise Referral, ALL Active programme (students and staff only), Kent Sport memberships.