Friday 12 January 2018
7.30 – 14.00
Sibson Building – Kent Business School – University of Kent
A Kent Business School/Institute of Directors/Federation of Small Businesses initiative
With Brexit negotiations now officially underway, Kent businesses are readying themselves for the time after the UK leaves the European Union. But how does one prepare for the unknown? In light of the falling pound, a possible return to border controls and stricter immigration rules, how does one build a resilient business that can weather an extended period of economic uncertainty? And, most importantly: how can businesses take advantage of their location in Kent?
At the exclusive half-day summit Shaping Kent’s future in a global economy – organised by Kent Business School (KBS) in partnership with the Institute of Directors (IOD) and the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) – Kent business leaders will discuss how to prepare for the UK’s exit from the European Union. Roundtable discussions give way to a plenary with national and international speakers, chaired by Louise Stewart, former political editor for BBC Southeast and current Head of Communications for the FSB.
Attend this event to:
- Hear how Kent and EU business Leaders are embracing new opportunities in a rapidly changing world where the UK sits outside of the EU
- Share ideas, experience and expertise with other delegates and researchers from the University
- Make new connections that will help take your business forward
- Leave with the know-how and confidence to put your own Brexit action plan in place
View summit programme and speakers
By providing a platform for directors and owners of Kent SMEs and corporates to share expertise, KBS and its partners want to help build a resilient Kent business community and facilitate a dialogue with (local) MPs and government about challenges and opportunities ahead.
The outcomes of the summit will inform research into the short and long-term economic implications for the first country to leave the EU.
Overall aims of the Kent Business Summit:
It is our aim to make the Kent Business Summit an annually returning event, which monitors, on an ongoing basis, Kent’s economic position in the UK and abroad. Regardless of whether Brexit will happen or not, the economic face of Kent is changing. We want to create a platform where Kent businesses can come together with government, politicians and academics to discuss the challenges and opportunities in developing a healthy business community and sustainable economic growth for the county.
Objectives Kent Business Summit 2018:
- Bringing a realistic but constructive message about the way forward for Kent entrepreneurs
- Monitoring the economic implications of Brexit for local/regional business to feed into Brexit-related research at KBS/University of Kent
- Drawing up action plans for Kent businesses pending Brexit
- Engaging in conversation with Kent MPs and local government on business support required
Who should attend:
Owners and directors of small and medium-sized businesses (including start-ups) and corporates who wish to have a constructive dialogue on the way forward for the Kent business community.
A £20 entry ticket gives you:
- Kentish breakfast and refreshments throughout the event
- Prime networking opportunities in KBS’s brand new state-of-the-art Sibson building
- Summit report, sent to all attendees post-event.
For an additional £20, delegates can attend a 3-course lunch with Kent MPs post-event at the University’s Darwin Conference suite. Spaces are limited, so book your place early.
Register for Business Summit 2018
Organiser details:
University of Kent organiser – Floortje Hoette / 01227 824068 /
Registration bookings – Kelly Leonard / 01227 828000 /
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