Funding Awarded to Jon Winder, PhD Researcher in the School of History
We are delighted to hear of the success of the Critical Excursions Trip on the Greta, supported by the Postgraduate Community Experience Awards. The trip aimed to improve the postgraduate experience at Kent by offering PhD students opportunities to manage and improve their mental health by spending time immersed in green and blue environments in the local area.
“It was amazing to spend time on the water, experiencing the wind and the waves rather than my laptop keyboard for a day. It was also great to meet such a wide range of other PhD students based at Kent and to hear about their research.” – Organiser, Jon Winder
We cannot wait to see what’s next for the Critical Excursions in Kent!
Find out more about the Critical Excursions in Kent here.

Dear Postgraduate,
I am delighted to welcome you to the University of Kent and to our postgraduate community. To ensure a smooth transition into Kent life and being a postgraduate student, the Graduate and Researcher College would like to invite you to take a look at its dedicated Hello 2020/21 Postgraduate webpage. This page enables postgraduate students to collect important university information and understand what resources are available to guide you throughout your time at Kent. There is a short presentation with plenty of links to various key resources which will help steer you through the first few weeks of your research or Master’s journey.
At Kent, the Graduate and Researcher College works in partnership with academic schools, Divisions, central service departments, Kent Union and the Kent Graduate Student Association to enhance the quality of your student experience across all campuses and to create a vibrant postgraduate community. We aim to ensure that the academic and social interests of postgraduate students, both taught and research, are appropriately provided for within the University by developing a strong framework of specialist support for our students, high-quality postgraduate facilities and a wide range of study and research opportunities enriched by our external links with Research Councils and other organisations both nationally and internationally.
On behalf of the Graduate and Researcher College team, I look forward to welcoming you to Kent.
Best wishes
Professor Paul Allain
Dean of the Graduate and Researcher College
With Passion and Focus/You Can Achieve Anything