Outstanding Contribution to the Environment award

On Friday 31st May, Kent Union and Kent University celebrated outstanding student achievement at the Kent Student Awards. Helen Ellis, Deputy Director of Estates presented the Outstanding Contribution to the Environment award to Emilia Brumpton for founding the UKC Gardening and Foraging Society and establishing the Beetbox Food cooperative, making local, sustainable and organic vegetables available to students and staff through a veg box scheme. Emilia is shown receiving her award from Helen along with Aaron Thompson, Student Union’s President 2018/19, Professor April McMahon, Deputy Vice Chancellor Education, and Sasha Langeveldt, Student Union’s President elect 2019/20.

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June 2019

Carl Harris, Cleaner/Litter Picker and The Grounds Team.

The nomination for Carl was received from Tracy Rogers, for Carl’s vigilance and prompt action to a recent incident on campus that could have created an unpleasant and offensive situation to both staff and students.

The nomination for the Grounds Team was received from Richard Cottam, in recognition of the excellent work undertaken over the winter and spring period across campus. This work has been publicly commended upon by the Vice Chancellor in her recent Executive blog as well as the Chief Operating Officer.

In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.

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June 2019

Lesley Farr, Graphic Design Supervisor, Design and Print Centre. 

The nomination was received from Professor Toni Williams, Kent Law School as a result of Lesley’s expertise and diligence when producing the Law School 50th year commemorative book.  Toni recognised Lesley’s dedication and attention to detail, enabling the Law School to produce a high quality publication in a very short time frame. All done with a sense of collaboration and good humour.

In awarding the Customer Services Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.

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May 2019

Robert Hipkiss, Graham Pagdin and Elton Young, Maintenance Section. 

The nomination was received from John Kingsland. Following a suggestion made at the Estates Showcase event to replace high volume shower heads, with low volume shower heads as part of maintenance works, this has resulted in the following savings:

Water -3,288 m3
Energy –188,000 kWh
Carbon –38 tonnes
Total Cost -£14,000.

The project featured as a case study in Sustainability at Kent successes 2017/18.

In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.


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May 2019

Ian White, Production Supervisor, Design and Print Centre.

The nomination was received from Karen Holman and Paul Jameson, Finance Division. Karen and Paul have shown appreciation for Ian’s excellent communication skills and efficiency, which enabled communication to 8000 under graduates being completed within a very tight deadline. Ian provided an outstanding customer service to both staff and indirectly to students.

In awarding the Customer Services Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.


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Eliot College internal signage updated

Have you ever entered Eliot College and found yourself walking through corridors which look the same, unable to find your destination easily?

The Estates Department has been working to resolve this issue and Eliot College has been undergoing an internal signage refresh recently. Each wing is becoming colour-coded and each sign will correspond to the colour of the wing.

Jenny Martine, Interior Services & Signage Manager in the Estates Department explains the benefits this will bring “At every stairwell and decision point there will be large maps, directories and clear wayfinding. The scheme will add colour, improve the wayfinding process and bring the building up to date. This will hopefully reduce the anxiety of orientating around a complicated building.

Eliot is the oldest College of the University of Kent. It was established in 1965, the same year the University opened, and is named after the poet T. S. Eliot. The nature of this mixed use building, with academic offices, study-bedrooms and several large areas for distinctive uses – teaching spaces, common rooms and the Great Hall with its views of the Cathedral, led to the adoption of a block design with the college divided into several square cores, each containing a distinctive interior space with study bedrooms or offices along all four walls. Given the complexity of the overall building design, and the challenges for internal navigation that this brings, the new clear and comprehensive signage solution should bring significant advantages for all.

The internal signage in Eliot College is scheduled for completion by 5 May and Rutherford College will commence shortly afterwards. Examples of the signage can be viewed on the Estates website.

If you have any feedback regarding the new signage please let us know by emailing Estates Customer Services – estatescustomerservices@kent.ac.uk.

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April 2019

Estates Customer Services Team (Beverley Braiden, Angela Durling, Axel Kemp and Rebecca Medlock).

The nomination was received from Paula Ellis in the Department of Anthropology.  Paula acknowledges the positive, friendly attitude of the whole team.  They always understand and the regular updates are very much appreciated.  As a team they always go above and beyond the call of duty.

In awarding the Customer Services Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.

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April 2019

Melanie Smith, Design and Print Centre.

The nomination was received from Ian White, Production Supervisor, Design & Print Centre.  Due to recent staff shortages within the Design & Print Centre, Mel has had to work mainly on her own covering a variety of tasks.  Prioritising her workload to ensure orders were not delivered late demonstrating professionalism in a calm and methodical manor using her own initiative. This has therefore alleviated the pressure to the team.

In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.

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March 2019

Aron Soto and Ivan Wills, Campus Security

The nomination was received from Alan Wilson, Duty Manager in recognition of Aron and Ivan’s (pictured) diligence whilst on patrol, which resulted in two drugs related arrests being made by Kent Police.  Their professionalism and competence has contributed to making the campus a safer place for both staff and students.

In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Estates Department and the University.

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New Estates Cleaning Service Level Statement in operation from 8th April 2019

From Monday 8 April 2019, the Estates Cleaning team will begin operating a revised Service Level Statement at the Canterbury campus.

The buildings cleaned by the Estates Department, and included in this change are:


Aphra Studio Careers Advisory Service Campus Security
Colyer Fergusson Cornwallis – all areas Chipperfield & Extension
East Oast House Estates Grimond
Grounds Maintenance Gulbenkian Hothe Court
Jarman Jennison Lumley
Lupino Marlowe Medical Centre
Nursing Services Oaks Study Hub Olive Cottages (part)
Park Wood PC Room Pavilion Registry
Rutherford Annex Senate Sibson
Sports Centre Templeman Library UELT
West Oast House Wigoder Woodlands Annex

Residential buildings cleaned by Kent Hospitality staff, including the Colleges, are not affected by this change.

This update to the cleaning service levels will alter the frequencies of cleaning in staff offices and kitchens.

A copy of the Estates Service Level Statement is available on the Estates Department’s website. This document provides an overview and clarity regarding services provided by the department.

Please contact Estates Customer Services on ext 16666, or by email estatescustomerservices@kent.ac.uk if you have any questions regarding this.

Kind regards
Estates Customer Services

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