Simon Omer, Maintenance Assistant
The nomination was received from Colin Flux, Mechanical Maintenance Manager in recognition of Simon’s strong work ethic, often going above and beyond. Simon’s willingness to help and conscientious manner is a credit to himself and his team.
Keynes Housekeeping Team – Dionne Hoyle, Sam Martin, Wayne Colton, James Knott, Claire Standen, Kaji Gurung, Oksana Panasluk, Joanne Askew, Svitlana Dmytrorsa, Judith Daley
The nomination was received from Amanda Intrieri, Housekeeping Supervisor, in recognition of the support provided to Oksana and Svitlana on their arrival from the Ukraine. The team have all demonstrated great team work and friendship and Oksana and Svitlana have embraced their new challenge with humour, reliability and dedication at an extremely difficult time.
In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact made to both the Department and the University.
In recognition of the award each staff member will receive a £75 top up to their Kent One card. Awards were presented by Trevor Pereira, Director of Commercial Services and Estates.