Tracey Davies, Electronic Systems Engineer
The nomination was received from Martin Jones as a result of feedback provided by Mark Arnold for Tracey’s response to providing access control during the Jennison EDA data breach. Both Mark and Martin Jones recognised Tracey’s professionalism and commitment to the University.
Lindsay Robson, Ben Casey and John Kirkness, Maintenance
The nomination was received from Katrina Dodge, Housekeeping Supervisor in Darwin College for the work carried out at Darwin College to avert a major loss of heating and hot water. The team improvised and used their skills to come up with a make shift sleeve pipe wrap that enabled the heating and hot water to function.
In awarding the Staff Excellence Award the Senior Management Team, acknowledge the impact all have made to both the Department and the University. Trevor Pereira, Director of Commercial Services and Estates presented certificates and all recipients received a £75 top up to their KentOne cards.