Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/estates-news/2016/05/19/green15/feed/?withoutcomments=1
Aimed at staff across the University, Green15 aims to promote environmental initiatives across campus while asking staff to take simple actions to green their workplace. The final theme for this year is Biodiversity; encouraging staff, students and visitors to think about the flora and fauna, and to make positive steps to reduce their impact on these species and promote the ways the University protects the resident species.
A lovely way to appreciate the campus and enjoy the warmer weather is to walk the EcoTrail . This environmental treasure-hunt takes you all around the Canterbury Campus. Hidden around the campus are 33 ‘eco-points’ revealing the area’s sustainability secrets, and your mission is to find them all.
At each point you will find a post with a fact card and marker punch.
Download and print your EcoTrail card from https://www.kent.ac.uk/creativecampus/projects/environmental/ecotrail/ alternatively trail cards can be collected from estates reception. Each box should be punched and the answer to the question on the card completed.
There are 50 Divine chocolate bars waiting at the Estates reception for anyone who completes the Eco trail (Note: points 3 and 11 are currently unavailable due to ongoing construction works). The Green15 Team will be holding their celebration event on 9 June, if you have got involved this year, remember to RSVP your representatives to green15@kent.ac.uk.