Resources for diversity
The library can help you find resources to diversify your reading lists. Watch our video that covers best practice in creating inclusive reading lists:
We maintain a number of reading lists that support liberation history months these include fiction and non-fiction books, podcasts, reports, and websites relating to the specific diversity topic. We welcome your recommendations to these reading lists as well.
Look at some of our digital resources that cover diverse perspectives. These will include journal articles, e-books, archive material and videos across a range of disciplines and are mixture of subscriptions and Open Access resources.
Research has shown that dominant databases in academic research have a Global North and English language bias, so this collection is designed to encourage you to look for information from more marginalised sources and re-centre knowledge from diverse perspectives and the Global South.
Within key citation indexes, it is possible to filter by country/region of origin as well as institution and funding agencies. these can help you identify research output from diverse sources. Both Web of Science and Scopus allow this and the video clip below shows an example of how to do this.
Use our new tool BrowZine to browse through our journals and find series that represent specific regions or marginalised groups. It helps to demonstrate diversity within academic research.
The links below lead to journals with a focus on: