The library is actively working with KBS to diversify reading lists and acquire diverse resources to support teaching, learning, and research. 

Work is in progress to create a collaborative suite of resources. In the interim we are gathering existing library resources which can be used to broaden your research. 

Screenshot of a padlet dedicated to sharing diverse resources for Kent Business School. The screenshot shows a coloumns for books, articles, journals, websites.

Browse a selection of diverse business related resources here as well as add your own titles or annotate with your comments.


Here you can find a list of journals which provide global critical perspectives on business studies 

Africa journal of management 

AJOM is committed to publishing original, rigorous, scholarly empirical and theoretical research papers, which demonstrate clear understanding of the management literature and draw on Africa’s local indigenous knowledge, wisdom and current realities. 

Asia and the global economy 

AGE publishes rigorous economic, political science and international relations research with clear policy implications for the Asian region and Asia’s role in the global economy. 

Black enterprise (ceased in 2019) 

BLACK ENTERPRISE is the premier resource for Black entrepreneurs, Black-owned businesses, and career, tech, and money content for Black people. 

Class, race, and corporate power 

Class, Race and Corporate Power is an academic journal examining the politics of corporate power. This includes an analysis of capital, labor, and race relations within nation-states and the global economy. 

Critical Perspectives on International Business 

CPOIB is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity around the globe from a number of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives 

International indigenous journal of entrepreneurship, advancement, strategy and education 

IIJEASE is a multidisciplinary journal publishing papers on business, strategy, and development prioritising the ideas, experience, and case studies of indigenous knowledge. 

Journal of Asia Business Studies 

The Journal of Asia Business Studies (JABS) is a scholarly journal that focuses on country specific as well as comparative research on Asian business and management issues. JABS emphasizes research on strategic and operational issues faced by Asian companies operating within and beyond Asia as well as international companies operating in Asia. 

Journal of Asia entrepreneurship and sustainability 

JAES publishes material that helps bridge the gap between academic approaches to entrepreneurship, rooted in a robust dialogue among the disciplines, and the demands of business leaders worldwide, for long-term effective tools. 

Journal of economics, race, and policy 

This journal examines the intersection of local and global issues concerning economic conditions, race, ethnicity, and gender, along with policy prescriptions that address economic disparities.  

Journal of sustainable development in Africa (ceased 2020) 

The Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa  provides both the theoretical underpinnings of development and the operationalization process for development. It endeavors to include articles from scholars all over the world, but also encourages African scholars who reside in African countries to publish their work.  

Race & class:  a journal on racism, empire and globalisation 

Race & Class is a refereed, ISI-ranked publication, the foremost English language journal on racism and imperialism in the world today.