Work and Opportunities Fund

work and opportunities fund image

Claim up to £200 towards the cost of taking part in unpaid work, a networking event or training course

The Work and Opportunities Fund provides students with funding towards the cost of taking part in unpaid work, a networking event or training course. New for this year, all eligible registered students can claim up to £200 towards unpaid work, training courses and networking events they may undertake whilst at university (extra-curricular). This funding will contribute towards the cost of transport, accommodation, training fees, work attire and childcare, to undertake the experience.

Claimants will be reimbursed after the experience has taken place, upon providing the appropriate evidence e.g. receipts, a bank statement and other documentation. Eligible students can only apply for funding once during the financial year, but they can use the allocated funding towards multiple experiences e.g. a networking event and unpaid work.

To apply, students must be:

·       A registered student at the University of Kent, studying in the UK.

·       Undertaking work which is considered graduate-level or attending a training / networking opportunity that will support your employability upon graduation.

·       Claiming the funding against costs incurred in the first 3 weeks (or 120 hours) of your work experience.

·       Returning to university for at least one term after completing your work experience.

For full details and to access the application form, please visit the Funding webpage.


Staff funding for extra-curricular trips

We are also pleased to confirm that we can support Divisions who wish to organise an extra-curricular trip which will contribute to the employability of students at the University.

Staff funding can be used to fully fund the cost of travel for the trip e.g. a coach. Where students are attending a conference / event and there is an entrance fee, we may be able to contribute towards these costs too. You can access the staff funding application form via our careers staff page

For staff to apply, the trip must:

·       be an extra-curricular activity, which does not form part of a programme or module;

·       be offered to registered students at the University, studying in the UK only;

·       contribute to the employability of students, supporting skills development and/or supporting a student’s future career aspirations

There is no formal deadline for either scheme, each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on funding availability at the time of application.