PACT Indie Diversity scheme

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Apply to join this six-month, entry-level scheme and get your foot in the door at some of the best independent production companies (“Indies”), alongside training and support from PACT, the trade body which supports independent production companies and distributors.

The salary is London Living Wage.

  • Application deadline: 19th June MIDNIGHT
  • Workshop with thinkBIGGER!: 7th July
  • Interviews: 18-29 July
  • Scheme start date: 19 September

Find out more!

The scheme provides new and new(ish) entrants to the TV industry with a 6-month trainee placement at a Production Company. We have an amazing list of companies participating, who have produced shows such as Gogglebox, Derry Girls, The Rap Game UK and Glow Up.

We have 16 roles available in scripted and factual television in London and one in Leeds. The London trainees will receive the London Living Wage and the Leeds trainee will receive the UK Living Wage.

We’re hoping to attract people who are looking to make their first step into the industry but don’t know how or those who hadn’t necessarily considered a career in the industry but have the skills that would allow them to excel in it.

We are particularly interested in hearing from people from a Black, Asian or Ethnically Diverse background, those who come from a lower socio-economic background or those who are deaf or disabled, as all these groups are underrepresented in the industry.