online events
Starting 7 April, the I-Construct Build Your Future programme is a series of free online events to help students develop new ideas that build a better world, with support from experts in business, marketing, and construction. Dates include:
7 April, 11:30-13:00 – Building a Better Future
With Richard Davidson, Willmott Dixon
Get an understanding of the challenges facing the industry and the opportunities they create, and an awareness of how the industry develops innovative solutions. Find out how ideas for new products and services can gain access to businesses in the industry.
12 April, 10:00-12:00 – A Creative Approach to Problem Solving
With Jonathan Bannister, Make Happy
This session is for anyone who wants to improve their skills in generating ideas and problem-solving. Learn a range of the most powerful problem-solving methods to help you generate creative solutions.
5 May, 12:00-14:00 – How to Create Your Business Plan
With Anita Thornberry, Haven Gateway Partnership
How to pull together your business plan –the information you will need and the thought processes you will need to undertake. The session includes practical tips, examples, and live exercises to put the learning into action.
10 May, 12:00-14:00 – Finding a Customer and Testing Your Ideas
With Peter Searle, Management Consultant
See how to segment the market in several ways that will enable your first customer engagement to occur without wasting time.
26 May, 12:00-14:00 – Network Like a Boss
With Fred Thomas, Haven Gateway Partnership
This friendly session provides you with a tool-kit of different networking techniques to start building your confidence, and expand your professional network.
7 June, 09:30-12:00 – Managing Your Financial Health
With Jim Fletcher, Business Coach
Getting your business idea off the ground will require funding and success of the business will depend on how you manage its finances. In this interactive session you will develop a basic understanding of business financial planning, performance monitoring and control.
22 June, 12:00-14:00 – Marketing Essentials for Your Business
With Kelly O’Haire, Seaside Creative
Marketing expert, Kelly O’Haire, will take you through what every new business owner needs to know to get their business out there.
6 July, 12:00-13:00 – Intellectual Property: Adding Value to Your Business
With Ritchie Daniel, Abel + Imray
Within the construction and built environment sector there are plenty of examples of innovation that generate ideas, brands and designs that have value and are worth protecting –we call this intellectual property (IP).
You can choose which events you would like to attend. Full details at: