The USS issue is horribly complex, so UCU pension reps. have been trying to come up with illustrations to make… Read more Total Pension Loss Estimates

The USS issue is horribly complex, so UCU pension reps. have been trying to come up with illustrations to make… Read more Total Pension Loss Estimates
Our regional rep., Mike Moran, has today sent the following notice of failure to agree to Karen Cox. It is… Read more Notice of Failure to Agree
Lines dividing the UCU and UUK positions regarding the 2020 USS Trustee valuation are regrettably becoming clearer. In an email… Read more UCU and UoK Joint Statement Regarding the USS Trustee and Valuation
Keynes Lecture Theatre 3 (KLT3) – 1pm, 10 December 2015 Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities and Science,… Read more Branch meeting – The Green Paper, TEF and Implications for Universities