Update on LOCAL job security at Kent

  • The university has just opened a new round of voluntary redundancy but remember this is not backed up with a current threat of compulsory redundancies (1).
  • You won a deal of ‘no compulsory redundancies as a result of the A&H review’ by voting to ballot for local industrial action if required.
  • This deal also sets a positive precedent for the employer to avoid compulsory redundancies in other areas. 


What you need to do now

  • Read this guidance for members, as you may be approached about voluntary redundancy and/ or redeployment. Note that the redeployment policy currently only applies to members in A&H (2). Do not be pressured to take voluntary redundancy or redeployment.
  • If you receive any information about possible compulsory redundancies in your work area email krichardson-dawes@ucu.org.uk and your elected Kent committee will act decisively.
  • Engage in all Kent UCU activity & stay in touch even if you are unable to participate. This allows your colleagues to strategise based on up to date member engagement.



  1. “VR” or “VS”. See  8.2.23 email from Martin Atkinson
  2. The redeployment policy will be published in full by the employer imminently. Members voted overwhelmingly for the creation of such a policy as another way to prevent compulsory redundancies.