Action Update

Dear All,

Thanks to everyone who came out again today for a great day of picketing!

Just a quick update to let everyone know.

1)      Yesterday (Tue 26 Nov) there was a meeting of Council, the governing body of the university with various external people who sit on it. We picketed the venue – Darwin – and also, at the suggestion of members, prepared a counter-agenda for discussion. This counter-agenda included items such as excessive management pay, overspend on Kent Vision, concerns about staff stress and mental health, overspend on infrastructure at the expense of staff, etc. Students who were picketing with us handed out the counter-agenda to members of council as they entered the building, and we know from people on the inside that they did look at it and have to deal with it.

2)      As you may have seen, members are ferrying over to the Medway campus tomorrow to help our striking colleagues there. For those colleagues staying on the Canterbury campus, pickets will proceed as normal with a rally late morning. Full details of all events tomorrow can be found on the calendar, here:

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow, either in Medway or Canterbury!

Sian, Philip, Owen and Mark

Branch Officers