The conference will take place from the morning of Thursday, 1st September 2016, to the evening of Saturday, 3rd September 2016. The TIE2016_final_programme (updated 25th August) is now available to download on pdf.
TIE2016 will have one satellite event, the workshop on “The role of prosody in conveying epistemic and evidential meaning“. The workshop is organised by Meghan Armstrong (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Maria del Mar Vanrell (Freie Universität Berlin) and will take place on Wednesday (1:30- 6 p.m., August 31st); the programme of the workshop is now online. The workshop is free to attend, and is sponsored by the Centre for Language and Linguistics at Kent.
Invited speakers of TIE2016
Laura Dilley, Michigan State University
Genesis of rhythm: The power of distal structures to shape prosodic forms
Janet Fletcher, Melbourne
Prosodic signatures in Australian languages – intonation and beyond
Aditi Lahiri, Oxford
Asymmetries in phonological cliticisation: diachrony and experimental evidence
Annie Tremblay, Kansas
Learning to Use Intonational Cues in Second-Language Speech Segmentation