Tag Archives: tone festival

TONE Festival Event – Steve Klee’s Artist Talk

Steve Klee Artist’s talk


When: Sunday 15 June, 14:00 – 15:00
Where: POP 64-66 High Street, Chatham

Join us for a FREE artist’s talk by Steve Klee ‘Re-animating the Archive’, about his exhibition and performance work for TÖNE.

Steve Klee’s exhibition relates to his performances Too Prolix: A Tour Out of Time for TÖNE on Saturday 21st June at The Historic Dockyard.

Through his archival research of the site he will re-perform with actors the political events of the Dockyard using the performative gestures detailed in Francis Nivelon’s The Rudiments of Genteel Behavior (1737) and this exhibition will show the archival traces that he has used to construct his tour.



TONE Festival Event – Kathy Hinde Workshop

Kathy Hinde workshop


When: Saturday – Sunday 14-15 June, 12:00 – 15:00
Where: Cafe, Fort Amherst

Artist Kathy Hinde will be at Fort Amherst in the cafe to make thousands of origami birds. These will be used in her fascinating installation Twittering Machines in the Gate House during the festival weekend (20-22 June) which will be a sonic and visual combination of bird-song imitation machines fashioned from old morse code keys, twittering mechanised music boxes, a rustling cloud of paper birds twitching overhead, a 78rpm recording of nightingales with a cello, or the echo of Lancaster bombers.



TONE Festival – Too Prolix: A Tour Out Of Time

Steve Klee performs ‘Too Prolix: A Tour Out Of Time’ as part of the TONE Festival on Sat 21st June 6-7pm.

This performance is accompanied by an exhibition of artefacts and research material.
Tuesday 10th – Sunday 15th June at POP Space, 64-66 High Street, Chatham, ME44DS

Private View: Tuesday 10th June, 4-6pm
Artist Talk: Sunday 15th June 2-3pm

Steve Klee_Tone

To check out details and join us in many more exciting events visit www.tonefestival.com [2] and follow us @tonefestival to hear the latest news!

School of Music and Fine Art – TONE Festival

Purchase a ticket and register: http://www.tonefestival.com/buy-tickets/
more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/670856142987250/

If you are interested in attending the PV of research material at POP on the 10th, please email s.klee@kent.ac.uk.

Special thanks to Mark Bills, Gainsborough’s House, Suffolk for the loan of ‘Rudiments of Genteel Behaviour’ (1737) by Francois Nivelon

Photo credit: Morgan Hill-Murphy



Free workshops and Talks at the TONE Festival

Take advantage of Töne festival artists working around the Medway area,join them for workshops and talks during the festival from 9th to 22nd June.

Origami Workshop
Make origami cranes for Kathy Hinde’s new installation ‘Twittering Machines II’
Drop-in sessions take place in the cafe at Fort Amherst on 14th and 15th July from 12-3pm

Drawing Workshop
Sign up for exclusive workshops with artists Allan Giddy and Morgan O’Hara:

  • Morgan O’Hara, 2 hour site-based drawing workshop open to local artists and students
    (10 places) at University of Kent spaces on 19th June 11-1pm 
  • Allan Giddy, 2 hour studio workshop to arts students (12 places) on site-specific, sculptural and installation practice at University space 12th June 11-1pm

Both workshops are free, but as spaces are limited please register by
e-mailing tonefestival@outlook.com

Artists Talks
Listen to artist Tomoko Sauvage, James Geurts, Kathy Hinde, Anna Koch & Mats Lindström, Steve Klee, Ben Fitton & Dylan Shipton talk about their artistic practice and making work for our new festival. Artists talks take place at various dates, times and venues.

To check out details and join us in many more exciting events visit www.tonefestival.com and follow us @tonefestival to hear the latest news!

School of Music and Fine Art – TONE Festival