Tag Archives: Fine Art

F.I.V.E Feelings International Video Art Experience – Open Call for Artists

Open call for Artists to be part of an international event.
FIVE is a new international videoart project created by Magmart.
Open Call for Artists_FIVE

26-30 May 2014 @LV21
24-30 June 2014 @ROOM (Historic Dockyard)

If you are a visual artist, a sound artist, a performer, a writer, a dancer, a musician or a ‘creative’ of any other sort… if you are inspired by the five senses and interested in getting involved with this Sensory Experience in Medway, please get in touch.

Email: five.medway@gmail.com
Website. http://www.f-i-v-e.net/

In association with School of Music and Fine Art, Light Vessel 21 and Magmart.


Open Charity Art Exhibition 2014 – Call for Artists

Call to artists…
London Legal Support Trust and Arts for Justice

Painting and Sculpture Award and Exhibition 2014. Entry now open.

London Legal Support Trust posterThe LLST and AfJ award is open to all artists aged 18 and over.
The theme is  ‘Injustice’.

Following prizes will be awarded:
Prize for Painting
Prize for Sculpture
and People’s Prize.

Download the poster – Call for artists Feb2014

The theme for the exhibition ‘INJUSTICE’ we hope will inspire artists to get creative and enter for the LLST and AFJ Charity Painting and Sculpture Awards.

All you need to be is age 18 or over at the time of registration and not have submitted the work for any other prize or competition. We can accept digital images (high resolution jpeg please) of up to, and including, four works per artist by the 31st May 2014.

For more details go to:
Selected works will be exhibited at prestigious La Galleria between 29th September – 3rd October 2014 inc. La Galleria is just a stone’s throw from the iconic National Gallery in Trafalgar Square.

This is an ideal opportunity for artists to showcase and sell their works to the legal and business communities and the general public.

To express your interest, or for further information email sabina@llst.org.uk

To register and upload your works please go to:

‘Balnakiel’ screening at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow – Sun 23rd March

CCA Symposium Uncertain Ground: Landscape, Memory and Theatres of Conflict, featuring film screening of Shona Illingworth’s film ‘Balnakiel’.

CCA Glasgow_Balnakiel Screening

Sunday, 23rd March, 2014
Centre for Contemporary Arts (CCA) Glasgow.

  • Entry: Free to attend but tickets required. Book here.

The CCA Symposium, programmed in association with Film and Video Umbrella, as part of 25 Frames, celebrating 25 years with their 25 selected films and with thanks to the Wellcome Trust, School of Music and Fine Art lecturer, Shona Illingworth will be attending the CCA Glasgow on Sunday 23rd March for the screening of her film Balnakiel.

“Shona Illingworth’s moving-image and sound work engages with the complexities of memory, and explores the intersections and instabilities between memory, history, subjectivity and place as they evolve over time.  Set in the far north of Sutherland, in a place marked by the tectonic forces of military/cultural history, her film Balnakiel provides the stimulus for a symposium on the Scottish landscape and its historical and contemporary aesthetic and political resonance.”

The event runs from 2-5pm, with Balnakiel screening at 2.10pm, followed ‘in conversation’ afterwards with Shona Illingworth and Head of Psychology at City University.

“Cognitive neuropsychologist Martin A. Conway, one of the foremost international experts in the field of Autobiographical Memory, and a close collaborator in Illingworth’s work; Hebridean psychologist Catriona Morrison, Head of Psychology at Heriot Watt University, who is known for her work on memory and language; Issie MacPhail, a cultural geographer, focused on culture and development in north west Sutherland, and a Research Fellow at the UHI Centre for Rural Health and Honorary Research Fellow at The School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, and Andrew Hoskins, Media Sociologist at the University of Glasgow whose work explores the intersections between media, war and memory. Chaired by Steven Bode, Director of Film and Video Umbrella.”

Film and Video Umbrella: 25 Frames
CCA Glasgow




Visiting Artist Talk – David Cross

The School of Music and Fine Art are delighted to welcome artist David Cross in the next Fine Art Visiting Artist Talk on Thursday March 20th.

It Happened Here
Cornford & Cross
It happened Here 2012
Laying the turf fom Ulster at The Commandery Courtyard, Worcestershire
The site of the defining battle of the English Civil War

Thursday March 20th 6pm

Bridge Wardens College
Lecture Theatre


David Cross has collaborated with Matthew Cornford since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1991. Because Cornford & Cross respond to the intrinsic problems of particular contexts and situations, each of their projects has been different in form and content. A wide range of people have helped to realize their projects, which aim to stimulate discussion and debate on issues of public concern, including environment, development and social justice.

Cornford & Cross maintain that in addition to producing aesthetic experiences, a key function of contemporary art is to test concepts, assumptions and boundaries. Yet while such testing is necessary, it is not sufficient: art practice should expand the ability to envision alternative possibilities, and to choose from amongst them as an act of free will. The book Cornford & Cross (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2009) includes critical essays by John Roberts and Rachel Withers, and sets out a chronology of their projects as a basis for examining the aesthetic and ethical concerns of their practice.

David Cross Profile:
David Cross is a Reader and Pathway Leader for MA Visual Arts (Graphic Design) at Camberwell. Since setting up the MA in 2004, David has challenged the notion of professional neutrality in graphic design, encouraging instead an ethos that is interdisciplinary, research-oriented and socially engaged.
David has given lectures internationally, and chaired events at the South London Gallery, Tate and Whitechapel.

Download the Poster – David Cross

Visit the School of Music and Fine Art  – Fine Art ‘ Visiting Artists Talks’ webpage

Research Seminar – Dr Jennifer Walshe

Tonights Research Seminar we present Dr Jennifer Walshe.
Bridge Wardens College, Lecture Theatre
Tuesday, 11th March, 2014

Dr Jennifer Walshe will present her  recent work
She is a composer, performer and visual artist of whom the Irish  Times has said that “without a doubt, hers is the most original  compositional voice to emerge in Ireland in the last 20 years”.  Jennifer Walshe says of her work that “the  sounds I am interested in include those that we hear all the time but are normally  considered flawed or redundant: twigs snapping in a burning fire, paper  tearing, breathing, instrumental sounds that aren’t considered ‘beautiful’ in  standard terms.

I think these sounds have their own beauty in the way that  pebbles on a beach or graffiti can have.”

Download the Poster: Research Seminar-Jennifer Walshe

Upcoming Seminar:
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The Rebirth of Music from the Spirit of Drama – Jean Martin

View our Research Seminar webpage
View the Events Calendar

Visiting Artist Talk – Adam Dix

The School of Music and Fine Art are delighted to welcome artist Adam Dix in the next Fine Art Visiting Artist Talk on Thursday March 6th.

The Sentinels 2012
The Sentinels 2012

Thursday March 6th 6-8pm
Bridge Wardens College
BWC 102

Adam Dix’s work concerns itself with signs of communication technology and our own desire to communicate. His exploration and personification of these devices of modern information transmission, explore the comprehension of technology on a humanistic level.

By focusing on the abundance of communication devices in contemporary society, his work discusses ‘allure’ for the user and is further exaggerated by appropriating the ritualistic, ceremonial traits and imagery often found in the genres of science fiction, nationalism and religion.

Adam Dix Profile:
Recent shows include: Yesterday’s Prophets at Eleven Gallery London. Ici Londres at Galerie Silin, Paris France. Carousel at Aspex Portsmouth. Creekside Open (Ceri Hand) at APT Gallery London. News From The Sun at Phoenix Art Centre Exeter

Download the Poster – Adam Dix
Visit the School of Music and Fine Art  – Fine Art ‘ Visiting Artists Talks’ webpage

Research Seminar – ‘The Sounding Image: Interactivity in Audio Visual Video’ by Dr Holly Rogers

– ‘The Sounding Image: Interactivity in Audio Visual Video’ by Dr Holly Rogers
– ‘The Sounding Image: Interactivity in Audio Visual Video’ by Dr Holly Rogers

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Bridge Wardens College, BWC201
Dr Holly Rogers will be visiting the School of Music and Fine Art to present some of her ideas from her recent publication ‘Sound the Gallery: Video and the Rise of Art-Music’, which explores the first decade of creative video work, focussing on the ways in which video technology was used to dissolve the boundaries between art and music.

Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960’s, video became integral to the experimentalism of New York City’s music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, allowing composers to visualise their music artists to sound their images in a quick and easy manner. Video also enable the creation of interactive spaces that questioned conventional habits of music and art consumption.

The mediums audio visual synergy could be projected, manipulated and processed live and the closed circuit video feed drew audience members into the heart of the experience. Such activated spectatorship resulted in improvisatory and performative events, in which the space between artists, composers, performers and visitors collapsed into a single, yet expansive, intermedial environment. Many believed that audio visual video signalled a brand new art form that only begun in 1965.

Rogers book suggests that this is inaccurate. During the Twentieth Century, composers were experimenting with spatialising their sounds, while artists were attempting to include time as creative element in their visual work. Pioneering video work allowed these two disciplines to come together. Shifting the focus from object to spatial process, Sounding The Gallery uses theories in intermedia, fim, architecture, drama and performance practice to create an interdisciplinary history of music and art that culminates in the rise of video art-music in the late 1960s.

Download the Poster: SMFA_Research Seminar_04.03.14

Upcoming Seminar:
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Dr Jennifer Walshe will present her recent work.

View our Research Seminar webpage

View the Events Calendar

Special Screening of Perestroika: Reconstructed by Director Sarah Turner at the ICA, March 2nd

Sarah Turner has been invited to the ICA London for a special screening to launch the LUX DVD/BluRay of both films ‘Perestroika’ and ‘Perestroika : Reconstructed’, followed by a questions and answers session.

The screening is open to all, to be held this coming Sunday, 2nd March
at the ICA, London, Cinema 1. Hosted by Helen de Witt, British Film Institute,
Head of Cinemas. The DVD will be on sale for a special discount price of £15.

Perestroika: Reconstructed is a ghost story that combines the genres of documentary, essay film and film poem.  Part psychogeography, part dream and part environmental allegory, the film explores the process of memory: both what we forget and how we remember. Sequence one constitutes the 2009 version of the film, whilst the second sequence constructs a new framing narrative that reinterprets and reconfigures both the imagery and the experience of the first.

Limited to views from the window of the Trans-Siberian train, both sequences of Perestroika: Reconstructed conclude at Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest lake, contrasting experiences of terror and apocalypse with those of beauty and tranquillity, the one contaminating the other. In this uncanny return, the instability of the environment is twinned with the instability of memory.



‘A ruined hotel. A lake as big as a sea. And a death, never explained but by now as momentous to us, and as engulfing, as a black hole. What begins as a travelogue with philosophical trimmings turns into a puzzle picture worthy of Resnais or Antonioni.’
Nigel Andrews, Financial Times

‘Elegantly photographed, sound- designed to precise and goose- bumping effect, this is a rare and haunting work of memory-gleaning.’
Sukdev Sandhu, The Telegraph

‘Conceived with intelligence and arresting intensity’
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian

LUX Special Screening:
Sunday, 2nd March
Cinema 1, ICA London
LUX Publication Page
LUX Facebook Page

Book to attend the screening:
ICA, London

LUX DVD/BluRay Release:
2 Disc Dual Format DVD/Blu Ray
DVD 9 PAL Region 0/ BD 50 Region 0
Perestroika, 2009, 118 mins
Perestroika: Reconstructed 2013, 178 mins
Plus new essays by Elizabeth Cowie, Sophie Mayer, and Paul Newland
Published by LUX
Price £22 individuals / £60 institutions

Purchase the DVD/BluRay:
LUX, Artist’s Moving Image


Back for the 3rd year… the award-winning Skills Enhancement Week


Skills Enhancement Week Spring Term
Running in Week 18
24th-28th February 2014

Skills Enhancement Week 2014 (pdf)

Back for the third year running, the Student Skills Enhancement Week , which won a Barabara Morris Teaching Prize for Learning Support last year, is set to be another fun and packed week of employability-based events, training sessions, talks, lectures, workshops and to close the week with a bang, the University Concert and Big Bands: Bolero! concert at the Colyer-Fergusson Building in Canterbury.

Replacing what used to be known as ‘Reading Week’, students can come along and earn ’employability points’ to help enhance skills that could lead to futher employability.

Once again, we have been very fortunate in getting some exciting and industry recognised guest speakers to give talks along with our usual mix of study skills and employability- related workshops.

  • Monday 24th February 2014 – Day 1

Pro Tools 101 (day 1)
(Bridge Wardens’ College – BWC204)

Programme  & Module Information Fair
(Engineering  Workshop – Studio 1)


Introduction  to the 51Zero Film, Video and Digital Arts Festival
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC203) 


Paraphrasing  Workshop
(Drill Hall  Library – DAO15)

  • Tuesday 25th February 2014 – Day 2

09:00-17:00 Pro Tools  101 (day 2)
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC204)

12:00-13:30 Mock  Assessment Centre
(Pilkington  Building – PK017)

14:00-15:00 The  Challenge Network
(Keynes  College – KLT5 – Canterbury)

  • Wednesday 26th February 2014 – Day 3

09:00-17:00 Pro Tools  110 (day 1)
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC204)

13:00-14:00 Writing Well  Workshop
(Drill Hall  Library – DAO15)

14:00-17:00 Local Arts  Professional Development Workshop
(Engineering  Workshop – Studio 1)

18:30-21:00 The Annual  Stirling Lecture
(Keynes  College – KLT1 – Canterbury)

  • Thursday 27th February 2014 – Day 4

09:00-17:00 Pro Tools  110 (day 2)
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC204)

13:00-14:00 Choosing a  Career
(Keynes  College – KLT5 – Canterbury)

19:00-21:00 The Annual  Bob Friend Memorial Lecture
(Pilkington  Building)

  • Friday 28th February 2014 – Day 5

Pro Tools  110 (day 3)
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC204)

Programme  & Module Follow-up Surgery
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – Student Hub)

Setting Up a  Creative Business
( Engineering Workshop – Studio 1)

University  Concert and Big Bands: Bolero!
(Colyer-Fergusson  Building – Canterbury)

To book a slot email: MFAReception@kent.ac.uk or call in at Reception, The Old Surgery
Call: 01634 888 980

Pro Tools Training Events

Also running are Pro-Tools 101 and Pro-Tools 110 Certified Training Courses.


24th – 25th February 2014
09:00-17:00 Pro Tools 101
(Bridge Wardens’ College – BWC204) 

Pro Tools 101 is a 2 day course delivering an introduction into Avid Pro Tools 10 Digital Audio Workstation software, with hands on projects and exercises to complete. Along with teaching you are also supplied with a certified textbook to keep. At the end of the 2 days there is an optional test to take, if passed, you will receive certification as proof for completing an industry recognised course.
There is a £50 fee for this course payable via  the online store (https://store.kent.ac.uk)

26th-28th February 2014
09:00-17:00 Pro Tools  110
(Bridge  Wardens’ College – BWC204)

Pro Tools 110 is a 3 day course delivering a more detailed look at the production techniques used in Avid Pro Tools 10 Digital Audio Workstation software, with hands on projects and exercises to complete. Along with teaching you are also supplied with a certified textbook to keep. At the end of the 3 days there is an optional test to take, if passed, you will receive certification as proof for completing an industry recognised course.
There is a £75 fee for this course  payable via the online store (

All Music and Audio Arts Year Group students are welcome to attend

Max of 16 people for the Pro-Tools 101 and 10-12 people for Pro -Tools 110 First come, first serve basis

To book a slot email F.Walker@kent.ac.uk

Visiting Artist Talk – Benjamin Jenner

School of Music and Fine Art welcome Benjamin Jenner for a Visiting Artist Talk on 20th Feb.

Thursday 20th February, 2014   6-8pm
BridgeWardens College Lecture Theatre
Open to: All Students and Staff.

Benjamin Jenner

Benjamin’s work investigates the fabrication and construction of geometric environments. The practice outputs offer proposals or diagrammatic descriptions via drawing and painting, of a traversable space rather than one fully realized. A sophisticated play with color and surface/ground illicit ideas of the monumental and prompt a navigation through space that incorporates a range of scales, often spilling over from 2D into accompanying maquette and model.

Benjamin Jenner lives and works in London. He studied BA Fine Art at Wimbledon College of Art, University of the Arts London and received MFA Fine Art from the Slade. Jenner won the Red Mansion Art Prize in 2008.

Recent exhibitions include Creekside Open 2013, selected by Paul Noble, APT, London (2003), Signs of the City, UBM HQ in collaboration with Drawing Room, London (2013), Translate/Transcribe, Central House of Artist, Moscow (2011), The Invention of Painting, The Centre for Recent Drawing, London (2011).


View our Visting Artist Talks web page