Tag Archives: Creative Events

Research Seminar – ‘Performing Live in Second Life’

Research Seminar_Nicholas Cook and Justin Gagen
Performing live in Second Life
by Professor Nicholas Cook with Justin Gagen

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bridge Wardens College, BWC201

Professor Nicholas Cook will provide a general introduction to music in the virtual world Second Life in his paper ‘Performing live in Second Life’ (co-authored with Justin Gagen) which focuses on relationships between music making in Second Life and in the real world.

Concerts in Second Life typically aim to replicate the conditions of live music in real-world venues. There are however significant technological constraints on such replication. For one thing, the music is made in the real world and streamed into Second Life. For another, the variable lag that is a basic feature of Second Life means that accurate synchronisation of images, gestures, chat, and streamed sound is impossible. Based on a case study of the virtual band Redzone (of which Justin is a co-founder), we argue that the most effective way to create liveness in Second Life is not to replicate the conditions of real world performance, but rather to reconstruct liveness based on the technological affordances of virtual reality.’

View the Research Seminar webpage.

The Research Seminar event is open to all students and staff.
View the Events Calendar

Next Research Seminar on 4 March 2014:
The Sounding Image: Interactivity in Audio-Visual Video by Dr Holly Rogers



Visiting Artist Talk – Karen Mirza

We are delighted to welcome Karen Mirza in the next session of our Fine Art Visiting Artist Talks at the School of Music and Fine Art.

Thursday 6th February, 2014  6-8pm
BridgeWardens College Lecture Theatre
Open to: All Students and Staff.

karen mirzaKaren Mirza is a key figure in artist film and video, known both for her work and her curatorial practice. Her practice started within a background in painting from Camberwell College of Art and continued through her MA in film and video at the Royal college of Art. After graduating from the RCA in 1997 she has created site specific and site conditioned works for galleries, public spaces and the cinema that foreground the sculptural qualities of projection and the architectonics of film and video. Karen is currently working on solo and collaborative work that utilises printmaking, photography and film to explore themes of ‘the imagination and the everyday’, ‘the psychoanalytical and the political’.

Karen has collaborated with Brad Butler since 1998, developing a layered practice which consists of film, installation, performance, publishing and curating. Their work challenges terms such as participation, collaboration and the traditional roles of the artist as producer and the audience as recipient.

Since 2009 Mirza and Butler have been developing a body of work entitled The Museum of Non Participation. The term “non participation” is a device for questioning and challenging current conditions of political involvement and resistance. The Museum of Non Participation embeds its institutional critique in its very title, yet it releases itself from being an actual museum. Instead it travels as a place, a slogan, a banner, a performance, a newspaper, a film, an intervention, an occupation: situations that enable this museum to “act.”

In 2004, Mirza and Butler formed no.w.here, an artist-run organization that combines film production with critical dialogue about contemporary image making. It supports the production of artist works, runs workshops and critical discussions and actively curates performances, screenings, residencies, publications, events and exhibitions.

Mirza and Butler are shortlisted for the sixth Artes Mundi Prize. The UK’s biggest contemporary art prize


View our Visting Artist Talks web page