On Sunday, 24 July 2016, 1pm-5pm, at London based No.W.Here Arts Ltd, a one-day symposium called Fictitious Capital has been organised by School of Music and Fine Art Senior Lecturer and Director of Programmes (Fine Art and Event & Experience Design), Dr Andrew Conio. A writer and video artist, Dr Conio is also one of the speakers at the event, which examines the economic forces behind the decimation of artist and community spaces in the East End.
“Fictitious capital” was defined by Marx as non-productive capital that circles the world at infinite speed in the form of hedge-funds and derivatives that vampire-like suck the value out of labour and production.
Other speakers include Dave Beech, artist, writer and Professor of Art at Valad Academy in Gothenburg; Anca Carrington, economist, psychoanalyst and editor of the book Money as Emotional Currency; and Dr Emily Rosamond, Canadian artist, writer and educator, and previously a lecturer at the School of Music and Fine Art, University of Kent.
Tickets cost £3. For more details and to book go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fictitious-capital-tickets-26421819373
About the venue
No.W.Here is a performance, residency and project space, film production studio resource and gallery in Bethnal Green. After a (fictitious) price of £3.5m was placed on the building by the owners they have successfully achieved Asset Of Community Value status and this event is part of their campaign to retain one of London’s most important arts spaces.
No.W.Here Arts Ltd – 316-318 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AG