Stour Valley Arts Residency for Fine Art students

This month sees Nadeen Adbulla and Maegan Newbury, who were awarded the prestigous artist residency with Stour Valley Arts take their place in the Forest Studio.

stour valley arts

The University of Kent, School of Music and Fine Art and the Stour Valley Arts work closely together to provide exciting opportunities for upcoming artists to undertake residencies in their newly converted Forest Studio on the edge of King’s Wood, Challock in Kent.

This month, the successful student artists take their place among the wildlife for two weeks in order to undertake a series of self-directed work as part of this fantastic opportunity with Stour Valley Arts in their new residency environment.

Maegan and Nadeen were awarded the residency amid a high level of applicants, there were over 150 artists vying for the chance to enjoy this unique and rewarding process-led opportunity that helps students build their artist experience in a ‘real-world’ setting that goes beyond the gallery space, as well as the thrill of  working and living in the forest.  This opportunity comes as part of the the Fine Art degree programme at the School and supports the module ‘Place and Site’.


It is with great pleasure that this year we are able to offer residencies to two students who thrived through the process of ‘Place & Site’. Nadeen and Maegan will have the opportunity to use Forest Studio and King’s Wood as their testing ground for 2 weeks. – Forest Studio and SVA

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Forest Studio
Stour Valley Arts
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